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Monday, December 30, 2013

Happy Birthday David!

On Saturday, we celebrated David's 24th Birthday.  We started the day by watching some of our new favorite TV show (Sons of Anarchy) and then left to do some birthday shopping at Cabela's where I walked around half the store and then fell asleep in the big comfy chairs by the fireplace in the front while he finished his shopping.  We then went to get pedicures (he loves them - especially when they do the paraffin wax on  your feet) and then came home and enjoyed some pizza from Jimmy's.  Overall, we had a good time just relaxing and enjoying each others company.

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  17 Weeks Pregnant

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Friday, December 27, 2013

Pregnant and Sick

Finally, on week 18, I officially think that my morning sickness is gone!  I really contemplate saying that though only because I don't want to jinx myself.  I only think this because the last two times I have brushed my teeth, I did not have the urge to throw up.  On the not so bright side, I have a really bad cold right now.  This especially sucks since I cannot take any medicine for it.  At least I don't have a cold mixed with morning sickness.

I also think think I have been feeling some movement from the baby.  It is not a lot, but sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night it feels like I have a little tiny drummer in my stomach.  I am not sure if it is the baby, but I think I will know for sure in a few weeks when I start feeling stronger movements.

Only two more weeks until we get to find out the sex of the baby!  I am so excited because I can finally start planning the nursery and registering for baby things!

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Week 17

Friday, December 20, 2013

Officially 16 weeks and 1 day.  Today is turning out to be an awesome day!  First, I woke up to SNOW!  I had a doctor’s appointment and was scared to drive since the roads were bad and it was still dumping snow so Dave's mom Pam drove me (don't know if I mentioned, but we are living with his parents until we find a house).  We got to hear the baby's heartbeat which is always the best part of my appointments! 140bpm.  The wives tales say 140 and lower means it is a boy…but who knows. Pam then dropped me off at work and our boss suggested we all go out to pizza for lunch!  I got in late because of my appointment + a long lunch + leaving early since Davey has to pick me up and he gets off work before I do.  Today is the best!  To top it off, when I was in Florida I lost my favorite purple pen, and today I found an exact replica in a random drawer at work.  Also, today for Dave’s Activity Advent we are going to make our favorite, virgin pina coladas!  Yay!!!  So happy today!

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  16 Weeks Pregnant

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Week 16

Wednesday December 18, 2013

I am so sick of reading blogs and hearing about women who only gained the recommend amount of pregnancy weight or only gained 2 lbs in the first trimester and still look fantastic.  I think in real life I have only actually met one of those people (my hate comes from my jealousy).  Since almost every woman I know personally has gained 40-60+ pounds while pregnant I don’t feel as bad, but I figured I would post my story about my real weight struggles and excessive pregnancy weight gain in the hopes that some random person on the internet will stumble across it and is looking for someone to relate to.

The hardest part about this pregnancy even over the nausea and other symptoms is the physical changes happening to my body.  This has been especially hard because before I met David, I had lost 50 pounds.  Then over the next year of dating I had slowly gained back 10 pounds which wasn’t too bad.  Then add on a honeymoon vacation to Jamaica at an all inclusive resort and the following week a Hawaii vacation for my brother’s wedding I had gained probably 10 pounds of vacation weight.  I was ready to diet and exercise and lose everything, but I found out I was pregnant and that dieting is a big no no.  Then came the nausea and vomiting, secretly hoping that all of the vomiting would make me lose weight, but I actually gained even more weight because the only thing that helped my nausea was eating and the motions of working out made me nauseous and on top of that I had no energy to do anything.  By the end of the first trimester I had gained 10 pounds (this is in addition to my 10 vacation pounds).  Now that I am in the second trimester I have been able to eat better and exercise when I am not too tired (it still makes me a little nauseous though depending on the workout).  I think in the past month I have only gained 2 pounds though…thankfully the weight gain is slowing down.  All this weight gain is very hard on me mentally and I am looking forward to when I can lose it all after the baby comes.  Until then, I am trying to do my best every day (and it is hard through the holiday season), but I must say being pregnant brings a whole new definition to the word hungry!  Now, hunger strikes me at random times and I have to eat something immediately or I feel like I am dying of starvation.

On the bright side (kind of) I think at least 5-8 pounds of my weight gain has been in my boobs alone – in the first trimester I went up 2 cup sizes and they are bigger than they have ever been – even when I was at my heaviest!  This sucks so bad though because they hurt all of the time just from being so heavy.  Definitely planning on getting a breast reduction/lift after we are done having kids.

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  15 Weeks Pregnant

Friday, December 13, 2013

Sunday was not a good day.  I made Dave an Advent Calendar with a new activity everyday.  Our activity for Sunday was to "Make a fancy breakfast".  We made some eggs with bell peppers and cheese and bacon.  Well – that was the last day I am eating peppers for a while.  I threw up so many times after that.  That day was the first time Dave had ever seen me throw up too.  I was about to get in the shower when it hit me like a ton of bricks.  After a couple minutes of getting everything out I turned my head and to my surprise saw David was standing there like a deer in headlights – both disgusted and shocked.  I wish I could have snapped a picture.  I was actually glad he witnessed that because now I think he doesn’t think I am so pathetic or whiney when I tell him I feel sick.

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Week 13

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dave and I are headed to Boise today to see Sarah for Thanksgiving.  But today, I thought I would write about some of the gross parts of pregnancy.  That’s right – you are about to read something that is TMI so beware… One thing this baby likes to do is make me burp...and fart...a lot!  Anytime I drink or eat something, I burp pretty much every sip or bite.  Also, everyday around 5:00 the gas comes, and sometimes it is really painful!  I feel bad because that is about the time I get home from work so Dave has learned to beware and take me serious when I tell him not to touch or squeeze me.  Then, I go to bed and all the gas seems to get settled in my stomach and is just waiting for gravity to get out.  What I mean by this is every single night when I wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, I will sit on the toilet and then do what Dave likes to call “big thunder” which means, yes, release everything that was building up (sometimes it is so bad it wakes him up).  Luckily I have a husband who loves me and laughs at this or else I would die every day of embarrassment.  I wonder if this is going to continue for the rest of pregnancy.  When all is said and done though – this is not at all the worst symptom, just the loudest and smelliest.

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  12 Weeks Pregnant

Monday, November 25, 2013

Morning sickness has scarred me.  Even though I am feeling better, I cannot stand the smell of the following things without having a twinge of vomit (I hope it is not like this forever):

  • My hair spray
  • My deodorant
  • Dave’s deodorant
  • Toilet water/bathrooms in general
  • The bread at Subway/any Subway restaurant

I am sure there are more but that is just what is on my mind right now.  I had my second prenatal visit today.  It was the first time I got to actually hear the baby’s heart beat!  Part of me was hoping that my doctor would not be able to pick it up on the doppler so I could get another ultrasound, but I was so relieved when she found it.  It was very strong and she found it right away.  You could hear the baby moving around too and every once in a while you would her it hiccup which the doctor said was the sound of the baby moving around…our baby moves a lot!  It was so spectacular– and kind of weird that a heartbeat was coming out of my stomach – but those moments make me want to happy cry.  Baby’s heart rate was 160 beat per minute.  I have a strong feeling that it is a girl, but my doc said that we will not be able to find out until the 19 week anatomy scan which will be in January. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Having a baby turns in into a baby.  Literally.  I have experienced/am experiencing all of the following which I am sure I didn't do this much since I was an infant: 

  • Sleeping – all the time at least 12 hours a day!  
  • Burping – multiple times throughout meals and any time I drink anything.  
  • Gas – yes, it is killing Dave.  
  • Crying – Happy, sad, funny, hungry, just because… the tears keep flowing. 
I also had the worst nightmare last night.  I had a dream that I gave birth and the baby wasn't crying and the baby died.  The doctor handed him to me and he only had eyes and no other features because he wasn’t fully developed.  I woke up crying and I couldn't go back to sleep.  I am so worried.  I can’t wait for my doctor’s appointment on Monday so I can hopefully find out everything is okay.

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Week 12

Wednesday, November 22, 2013

My morning sickness seems to be getting a little better although I am still soooo tired all the time.  I usually go to bed sometime between 7:00pm and 8:00pm and sleep in until the latest possible time – about 6:45am when I must get up because I leave for work at 7:00am.  I hope that I will get my energy back sometime soon.  I keep getting the feeling we are having a girl.  I guess we will find out soon – January for sure.  Hopefully by then Davey and I will have our own house so I can start working on the nursery.  We also thought we had names picked up, but for some reason I am not like ANY names right now.  We decided not think about names again until we know if it is a boy or girl.  I haven’t had any cravings this whole pregnancy.  More of aversions or “the only thing I could eat right now without throwing up is…”.  Foods that I absolutely can’t even think about or look at include: anything spicy and salmon…it has been like that for quite some time now.  Luckily since the sickness is subsiding I am able to eat more healthy now.  I am trying really hard to be more active but is so hard since I am tired all the time.  I told everyone at work too!  It feels good to get it off my chest and everyone seems to be really excited.  My boss (who has been here for 15 years) told me that this is the first pregnancy in the company ever.  The office is excited to see me grow.  I am too – but only my belly.  Not a big fan of the growing boobs, thighs, and hips. 

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  11 Weeks Pregnant

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Week 11

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I am in Florida this week at PowerGen for work.  I thought my morning sickness was getting better - on the plane here I only got nauseous once.  Then today, after I had breakfast (peanut butter and banana french toast) I threw it all up!  It was the most I have thrown up since being pregnant - it was EVERYTHING plus so more!  I threw up about 7 times.  Gross.  And the worst part was I immediately had to go back to work and talk with people at the conference.  I can't wait for this part of pregnancy to be over.

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  10 Weeks Pregnant

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Week 9

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So maybe the crazy hormone thing is right.  This morning was  just awful.  I was starving and nauseous so I went to the coffee stand behind my work to get a blueberry muffin, and when I got back to work and opened my muffin – it was banana nut!  I was so disappointed that I cried.  It was awful because I couldn't even eat the banana nut muffin because I was sad and it was nowhere near as good as blueberry would have been.  Luckily, I have the best husband in the world.  He came home with a ton of blueberry muffins for me from Costco!  YUMMMM!  He also got me some fruit snacks which I have been craving.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Today was one of the best days of my life.  I had my first prenatal appointment and an ultrasound.  Dave and I got to see our perfect healthy baby and his/her beating heart.  It was so magical.  I already love our baby so much that when I think about how much love I have for our little one it makes me cry (that could partially be the hormones too but I don’t think so).  Anyways, here are two armature unedited videos from today.

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Week 8

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I threw up for the first time during this pregnancy.  My nausea has been getting worse and I have been dry heaving a lot lately, but today I actually threw up.  It was so random…all of the sudden I had to throw up so I went to the bathroom and after a minute of dry heaving it all came out.  I felt a little better after that.
 I also cannot eat anything acidic or I get the worst heart burn.  I have been taking a lot of tums lately.  Today for lunch I had a pizza stick from Haggen and that really hit the spot.  I felt better for about 10 minutes and then the nausea came back. 

I don’t understand why nobody ever tells you that this sucks…I guess when I think about the baby (or babies since my stomach is huge) it makes me feel a lot better.

I am starting to the think that my heartburn and nausea and gas and aches and pains won’t go away until the the baby comes.  It especially sucks since there is nothing I can do about it.  I hope the second trimester is better.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pregnancy constipation is real!  Last night was awful.  I bawled my eyes out on the toiled because it hurt so bad and I wanted more than anything to go.  Luckily two stool softeners and a fiber boost from Jamba Juice later the magic happened.  I am going to make sure I do that every day.  Dave’s sister Sarah freaked me out and said that I would not have a normal BM until after the baby comes…I hope that is not true for me.

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Week 7

Monday, October 14, 2013

My heightened sense of smell came today.  I first noticed it when my boss came back in from smoking.  Normally I can smell her just as she walks by, however, I could acutely smell the stench of nicotine for the next 20 minutes – all of which I wanted to either vomit or chop off my nose.

Friday, October 11, 2013

I am starting to have that feeling like I don’t want to eat because it will make me feel sick and no food sounds good, but if I don’t eat, I will feel even more sick.  When I do eat I burp everything up and that food instantly becomes something I never want to eat again.  Example:  onions, pizza that has green pepper on it, rice with teriyaki sauce.  Also, apples are so acidic that I can barely handle them anymore.  I haven’t thrown up yet, but I just feel like crap all day every day.

I have also been super tired this week.  On Wednesday, I went to bed right after dinner at 6:00pm.  I slept until the next morning.  Yesterday, I was determined to make it through a couple of TV shows.  I lost track of time and what I thought was bed time - because I could barely keep my eyes open - was only 7:20pm.  At this point, I have no idea how I am going to keep up with a toddler when I am pregnant next time if I am this tired.

All of this doesn't seem so bad when I think about the baby that will bless us with it’s presence in just a few short months.  I already love him/her sooooo much.  Dave was mad at me yesterday because I kept talking about how fat I am getting (seriously…I am gaining weight so fast and all of it is either going to my boobs or my stomach).  I reassured David though that, yes it sucks and I am complaining a lot, but I would do anything for our little one…even if it means getting fat.

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Week 6

Monday, October 7, 2013

I have not been plagued with full on morning sickness yet, however I am extremely gassy.  I haven’t had any strong food cravings, but I have definitely had aversions.  On Saturday I made enough salmon to eat for lunch for the whole week at work (salmon is supposed to be really good for the baby) and then the next day the thought of eating salmon made me feel sick!  This makes me think the morning sickness is coming on slowly but surely.  I get dizzy a lot, I am super tired (can you say 7:00pm bedtime?), and I am starving ALL THE TIME but nothing sounds good and my empty stomach makes me feel sick. 

I am either having twins or extremely bloated.  I feel like my belly is HUGE!  Dave says the weight I am gaining is going straight to my middle – either my boobs or by belly (I have already grown an entire cup size).  I am not ashamed to admit I am already in maternity pants.  I wish I would have known about them sooner because they are the most comfortable pants ever…seriously considering wearing them for the rest of my life.

I can feel our little peanut growing every day.  I get light cramps that feel like my uterus is stretching and my body is preparing for the baby to grow.  I don’t mind the pain though because I know our little one is making a good home for the next 9 months. 

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week 5

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Waiting to see the doctor is killing me. I don’t feel pregnant.  I don’t look pregnant.  The only thing telling me I am pregnant are the several sticks I peed on.  Is there really a baby in there? If there is – it is only the size of a sesame seed.  It is nuts to think that this little sesame seed will grow to be the size of a watermelon so fast!

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Week 4

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It is official…Aunt Flo did not come to visit today.

4 Weeks belly pic.

Monday, September 23, 2013

I found out I was pregnant on Saturday, September 21, 2013.  I took an Early Response Test and the line was so faint that I was in denial.  Dave, however, knew it was a line!  Well as the days went on, and I kept testing, and that line got darker and darker. I must admit, I got a little pee stick crazy and took at least 10 tests.  Luckily the dollar store has tests so we didn't spend that much money.  

Test #1. 7:30am on September 21, 2013.

Test #2. 12:30pm on September 21, 2013.

Test #3. 6:30am on September 24, 2013.

I was three and a half weeks along when I found out our family would be growing which means that I must have been pregnant when at Isaac and Kalee's wedding in Maui. 

David is so excited! Every morning before he goes to work he gives me a kiss goodbye and now he also gives my belly a kiss goodbye.  Right now Baby Pehrson is the size of a poppy seed.  I already feel like I have a tiny tiny baby bump, but I am pretty sure I am just bloated - not to mention I have so much gas that I am surprised I am not floating like a hot air balloon. 

This week the baby's organs are starting to develop and in a few more weeks we are going to the doctor and will get to hear the heart beat.  We are so blessed to be able to have a baby and I cannot wait to meet him/her.

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Welcome to our blog!  The great thing about being married is that everything is "ours", but rest assured, I will be the only one posting on this blog.  I actually created it back in July before we even got married with the intention of posting about wedding planning, marriage, etc. and using it as a means to keep our family up to date with our busy lives.  But then things got really crazy this summer with my sister, brother, and I all getting married within a month...and then I found out I was pregnant!

I wanted to start blogging about the pregnancy, but Dave and I didn't want to make it known to the world/internet until after the first trimester.  I wrote anyway and decided I would wait to post on the blog until the world knew about our little bun in the oven.  So to sum up, the next 20 or so posts are from the past couple of months.

Disclaimer:  some of my posts may be TMI, but I figured they might be things I - or my future daughters when they are pregnant - will want to read one day.  That, and it might also help other pregnant women who are reading this know that they are not alone.

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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