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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Trying To Nest Without A Nest

So I normally always have a million things going through my mind of what I need to get done (which is a huge reason as to why I am a big list maker).  All I have been able to think about lately is all of the things I need to do before Baby Pehrson gets here...and she will be here in 4 months!!!

First, I need to start a registry.  This is especially hard for two reasons.  One, I have absolutely no idea what I need.  I mean, I guess the only thing that is really necessary for babies are boobs, diapers, and clothes, but going online and trying to register is so overwhelming I give up everytime!  There are so many gadgets out there, many of which I have never heard of, and many of which I don't know if they are even necessary. Reason number two, I want to make sure I am getting the items I like best.  Need proof?  Well let's just say when I was doing my wedding registry on Amazon, I spent hours looking through 200+ pages of salt and pepper shakers.  Ironically, no one even got us the dang salt and pepper shakers.  Even if we don't get everything on our baby registry as a gift, I am sure we will end up buying everything that is essential so I am going to have to put the time in and get it figured out.  I have decided the best thing to do is to just  split up what I need into categories and take a few weeks to do the registry focusing on one category a day.

Next, I need to figure out the nursery.  Dave and I aren't moving until the first week of March so I won't be able to start anything until then.  I have so many ideas of color schemes and patterns and decorations that I don't know what to do.  Not to mention, part of me feels absolutely clueless of what to do because I feel like I am picking out her style - what if she doesn't like it?  I mean, yea she is a baby, but what I like might be completely different than what she likes.

I'm also thinking ahead to what I will need after she is born.  I have decided to take the month of May to make loads of freezer meals (gluten free of course because we just found out Dave has Celiac disease).  Is there anything else anyone recommends that I should take care of ahead of time?

And then on top of all of this off, we are moving and have nothing for our house!  Not only do I get to decorate the nursery, but I will have an entire house to fill - furniture and all.  I know will take lots of time, but I have lots of planning and Pinteresting to get done.

As you can probably tell, I am only a little stressed right now.  Stay tuned for more posts about my registry, nursery plans, gluten free freezer meals, and more!  Also, if you have any advice, please comment!  Anything helps.

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  22 Weeks Pregnant

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  1. My advice is make sure u have a rocking recliner. I feel like I lived in ours the first two weeks. And a thermometer, research what type u want because the first time u realize your baby is sick, u want to know how sick and running to the store is the last thing u will want to do.

    1. Thanks Mandy! I didn't even think about a thermometer. I guess it makes sense that a baby wouldn't tolerate the kind we use!

  2. So many things to choose from... I'd start with the basics- exactly what you listed. (Although I'd add to the boobs a subcategory of breast pads and lansinohl (sp)) Don't overwhelm yourself with toys and gadgets because they won't use them for a bit. You'll have time to figure out what excersaucer you want. I highly highly HIGHLY recommend a swing, that plugs in. My babies sleep in them at night for the first month or so because it helps them snooze longer. That's the only "gadget" I would start with. Knowing how it was with my first, I did freezer meals right when I found out I was pregnant with Levi. I also had several meals in the freezer for post baby- and I had a few convenient meals from Costco (like meatballs, potstickers etc) It's TOTALLY worth the effort and back pain ;) But there are so many lists out there on pinterest I'm sure you'll pick out what you think you could use.

    1. Good call Lori, I have heard leaky boobs can be a problem. And I am definitely going to be getting a swing!


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I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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