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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Week 25 Update

Wow it seems like forever since I last wrote...I am falling behind!  Or, am I falling asleep?  Seriously, the third trimester is making its debut ahead of schedule.

I finally ordered some fabric to make a crib skirt.  I searched different fabric stores for something pastel and floral - similar to the fabric of the robes I got for my bridesmaids - when it hit me, why not just order some yardage from the same person I bought the robes from.  The only downside was she was unable to send color samples so I had to take a guess as to what would look best.  This was especially hard because the color I liked most looked way different in the different pictures.  I decided to take a chance and order it anyway.  The color I decided to go with the pastel mint green.  You can see the fabric here.  After searching the web for tutorials, I finally found a couple that seem like they would work wonders.  I really love the dust ruffle look, and it needed to be easy as I am an amateur sewer.  I plan on using a hybrid of this tutorial (side note - I LOVE the Swiss dot fabric she used) and this tutorial. Now, I am just hoping my mom got the hint that I really want a sewing machine for my birthday (if not, when she reads this post it should be super clear) so I can start all of my sewing projects right after we move.  More to come on the crib skirt later.

Next in news:  last night, in a hazy state, I seriously considered investing in Depends - yes the diapers that are for adults.  For a few short weeks I was able to make it through the night without having to go to the bathroom as long as I went right before bed and slept no longer than 8 hours.  I miss those weeks.  I cannot make it through the night anymore without having to get up.  It doesn't help that baby girl has learned a new trick called kick mommy in the bladder.  I hate that moment when I wake up with the urge to go but I am soooo tired.  I think to myself: which would be worse, getting up but not being able to fall back asleep, or, lying in bed and staying warm but uncomfortable for a few hours because I really have to go.  I have this internal fight with myself every night, but it usually ends with me going to the bathroom.  Also, poor Dave, he usually wakes up when I get back into bed because I always manage to crawl over one of his limbs (this may partially be because I have mastered the art of getting up, going to the bathroom, and returning to bed with my eyes closed...well almost mastered.)

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  25 Weeks Pregnant

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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Look At Her Hands...Aren't They Just Precious?

This post is dedicated to my mother in-law, Pam, who always talks about how pretty Sadie's "hands" are.

David and I were bored today and decided to create this little gem...

Obviously, I have inherited my mother's movie making talents (check out her website:

We had a ton of fun and so many laughs!  I still cannot stop laughing every time I watch the raw footage (which I have posted below for your viewing pleasure.)

If you could not have guessed, I had to lie underneath the coffee table to make this happen.  Good thing David is strong though become not only did he have to lift Sadie into place, he had to pick up the coffee table and place it over me since my belly would not slide underneath.

All shame must be thrown out the window when your face is all up in a dog belly.

Why is it that dogs do not realize when they are stepping on you?

Waiting for Dave to figure out the video camera.

Filming this was definitely messy.  I spilled a fair share of Sadie's oatmeal/peanut butter porridge concoction on myself.
Even when we were done with the video...she did not want to move.  Lucky me.

This is one of my favs.

Raw Footage

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Friday, February 14, 2014

10 Reasons Why My Husband Is Better Than Yours

Well first of all…just look at him!  Soooooo handsome!  This should be reason enough.
My Handsome Hubby

But really, aside from his strapping good looks, here is why my husband is better than yours: 
10.  He gets me lots of presents.  Gracias to The 5 Love Languages, Dave knows that my love language is "Receiving Gifts" and "Acts of Service".  Not only do I get gifts on Christmas, Valentine’s Day, my birthday, and every other holiday, but he randomly surprises me throughout the year with flowers or a Costco sized bag of Hi-Chew for no reason at all.  When I wake up from thirst in the middle of the night, he will go downstairs to get me water.  Not to mention he is chivalrous – he ALWAYS opens my doors – and will put any other man to shame when it comes to being a gentleman. 

9.  He is my biggest fan.  He is so supportive of everything that I do, and he is always cheering me on.  He is just as proud of all of my accomplishments as I am.  Dave has genuine interest in things that I like to do too.  For example, he is always first to read my blog posts (which is good because he doubles as my editor.  I can’t tell you how many times I have published something only to hear seconds later “you misspelled …”)  Not to mention, he will even subject himself to my crazy ideas if he knows it will help me reach a goal...10 day juice fast…

8.  He is always excited.  He gets excited over the things I am excited about.  And he is always so happy and cheerful and can always put me in a better mood.  Seriously, if you need a pick-me-up, just watch the man open a present. 

7.  He helps me with chores and projects.  Whenever David sees me cleaning, without question, he will start to help me.  When I cook dinner, he will do the dishes.  He does the laundry on days when I am so tired I can’t move (growing a human is very tiring people!), and he enjoys helping me with all of my Pinterest projects.  I am pretty sure within the next year, he will be a very skilled carpenter with all the plans I have in mind for our new house.

6.  He remembers the little things.  Yes, there are times when I strongly hint towards something and he just doesn’t have a clue, but he always manages to pick up on the little things…and the little things are the ones that matter most.  One day I was telling him how it felt like my teeth were moving, and that night he snuck into the bedroom before me so he could put my retainers right next to my pillow as a reminder to wear them. 

5.  He is selfless.  David is always putting others before himself.  Not just me, but everyone he knows.  He is always thinking about others and ways that he can help them.  Just by his example, he teaches me to be a better person.

4.  He would do anything for me.  Literally.  He is not just the “I would take a bullet for you” do anything type (because we all know that situation is really likely to happen), but this man one time checked to see if I had a hemorrhoid.  What can I say? I was legitimately freaking out because I had just read they are super common during pregnancy and I thought I may of had one…luckily I did not.

3.  He worships me.  Dave is obsessed with me.  Sometimes in creepy stalker way, but it’s okay because we are married.  He always wants to make sure I am happy and comfortable even if it is at the expense of himself.  This man gives me a foot rub every single night!  People have criticized and have said things like “just wait until you have been married a few years...”  Well, you know what...all of those people are wrong!  Dave has told me on several occasions that he plans on doing it forever – it is even part of his nightly routine now. And I believe him, which brings me to my next point…

2.  He will be faithful to me for eternity.  I trust David. Period.  I know he would never lie to me, and he would never do anything to hurt me.  I also know this is never going to change.  His mom was joking with me the other day saying that all of the women at her work think he is soooo handsome (true), and she jokingly told them to watch out or else his wife will throw down.  Which yes, I could do that (and it would be extra terrifying given the crazy person pregnancy hormones), but I would never have to.  David only has eyes for me.  Even when I am at my worst he always tells me how beautiful I am and how much he loves me.

1.  He is the best dad in the world.  Although our child, and future children, is not born yet, he is already the best dad ever!  He talks to our baby girl all the time and is always thinking of her.  He even has future date nights planned out for the two of them.  Every time he talks to my belly, she starts moving around like crazy, which I am positive happens because she is trying to make a jail break from the womb to cuddle with him. 

Now, some of you might be thinking after reading this that my husband is just whipped, but I have come to learn that there is no such thing as “whipped”. There are men who treat their wives the way they deserve to be treated, and then there are those that don’t. The ones that don’t are very easy to spot because they typically make fun of the ones that do, or they don’t treat their wives very well. It is my sincerest hope that every woman reading this right now disagrees that my husband is better than theirs (although you will never be able to convince me otherwise) because that is what you deserve! Every woman deserves to be with a man who respects her, and loves her, and treats her like the queen of the world. I am so blessed to have found the one who does that for me, and I would never trade him for anything…not even for 100 Costco sized bags of Hi-Chew!

Happy Valentine's Day David! 

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  24 Weeks Pregnant

Wifey and Baby Girl

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Holy Areola, Batman! Are Those Really My Nipples?

As I got out of the shower after work today, that was the question I asked myself.  I guess I have been so preoccupied with my growing belly, hips, boobs, and thighs, that I forgot about the other things I read earlier in my pregnancy that would happen.  This mainly being that your nipples are going to get darker and you will be able to see all of your veins - seriously, my body looks like it could be a road veins are sooooo visible!

I had my 6 month checkup today and got my belly measured for the first time.  Everything looks great according to the doctor and I am right where I should be.  

So my big news today is that I have decided I want to try and do a natural unmedicated birth.  Call me crazy, but I want to have some control and be an active participant throughout labor.  I have decided to just accept the pain.  A woman's body is made to endure childbirth without medicine and I think it will be a very empowering experience if I can do it.  This being said, and never having gone through birth before, I am going to still keep an open mind and listen to the advice of my doctors.  Annnnnd, if the pain becomes so bad that I feel as though I am suffering and going to die, I might just give in.  I guess I will have to play it by ear, but I do want to try my hardest to go natural.  In the end all I really care about is that I have a healthy baby.  And yes, I still want to be in a hospital just in case anything goes wrong I will already be in the hospital.

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  23 Weeks Pregnant

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Nursery Ideas

Okay, so I have pondered over all of my nursery ideas for a few weeks now and have finally decided what I want to do.  First things first, I HATE the cliche pink everything for a girl.  I wanted to do something feminine and I don't mind a little pink, but nothing overkill. Here are some of my ideas:

First, I am going to have Dave paint the walls a light gray and the ceiling white - I usually like painting but can't be around the fumes since I am prego.  I also like grey because it is neutral so if we want to change everything in a few years we don't necessarily have to repaint.

I then found an awesome website, Spoonflower, which gave me some inspiration.  I am obsessed with that light minty blue color right now and love it when it is paired with corals.  I also want to mix and match different patterns and use them to sew a crib skirt, changing pad cover, blanket, etc. the flowers on Spoonflower are a little pricey so I am going to check out my local fabric stores first.

For other accents I want to just go with neutrals.  I love the idea of a log for a side table to the glider and this will be easy since we have easy access to lots of wood around this area.

Some other nursery must-haves/projects include:

Crib Definitely going to get a white Jenny Lind 3-in-1 Convertible Crib .  It is so cute and girly and I had one when I was a baby.

Dresser  We are currently searching craigslist for a French style dresser - preferably a longer once - that we are going to refurbish.

Changing Table Also searching craigslist for an old buffet that we can refurbish.  I want something we can take the drawers out of and put in baskets.

Glider & Ottoman Something gray (either pebble gray or charcoal gray) and upholstered.  Obviously I want to sit in a bunch before I pick one out since I am told I will be spending lots of time in it.  I like the style of this one.

Curtains  I going to make some sheer ruffled curtains probably out or a coral or peach color.  I found some sweet DIY Anthropologie inspired curtains here.

Walls  I am going to put up some framed maternity pictures and I also want to find a big mirror for above the changing table or dresser.

As you can see I have lots to do.  Only a few more weeks until we move and I can get started!

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House Tour

Yesterday, we got to go see our home again for the inspection!  We were both relieved that we liked it even more this time (especially since we only saw it once before we made an offer).  Everything with the inspection went well and we are so excited to move in the first week of March.

A view from outside.
Living room.
Entry way and half bathroom.
Another view of the living room from the dining room.
Dining room.
Another view of the Kitchen.  I LOVE the huge pantry.
Last view of the Kitchen.  I wish the dish washer were on the left since I'm a lefty.  Maybe I can use it as an excuse to get Dave to do the dishes more often.
Up the stairs and a thumbs up from my very handsome husband.
HUGE master bedroom!  
Half of our walk-in closet.
5 piece master bath.  Still deciding which sink I want.
I will definitely be making good use of this.
The nursery.  I can't wait to get started!
Another view of the nursery.
Guest bedroom.
Upstairs bathroom.  Which I just noticed yesterday that there is a huge closet to the left of the sink for storage which you can't see in this picture.

As you can see we have a lot of house to fill and not a lot of things to fill it with.  I can't wait for all of the projects ahead...and I finally get do some Pinterest projects! 

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Trying To Nest Without A Nest

So I normally always have a million things going through my mind of what I need to get done (which is a huge reason as to why I am a big list maker).  All I have been able to think about lately is all of the things I need to do before Baby Pehrson gets here...and she will be here in 4 months!!!

First, I need to start a registry.  This is especially hard for two reasons.  One, I have absolutely no idea what I need.  I mean, I guess the only thing that is really necessary for babies are boobs, diapers, and clothes, but going online and trying to register is so overwhelming I give up everytime!  There are so many gadgets out there, many of which I have never heard of, and many of which I don't know if they are even necessary. Reason number two, I want to make sure I am getting the items I like best.  Need proof?  Well let's just say when I was doing my wedding registry on Amazon, I spent hours looking through 200+ pages of salt and pepper shakers.  Ironically, no one even got us the dang salt and pepper shakers.  Even if we don't get everything on our baby registry as a gift, I am sure we will end up buying everything that is essential so I am going to have to put the time in and get it figured out.  I have decided the best thing to do is to just  split up what I need into categories and take a few weeks to do the registry focusing on one category a day.

Next, I need to figure out the nursery.  Dave and I aren't moving until the first week of March so I won't be able to start anything until then.  I have so many ideas of color schemes and patterns and decorations that I don't know what to do.  Not to mention, part of me feels absolutely clueless of what to do because I feel like I am picking out her style - what if she doesn't like it?  I mean, yea she is a baby, but what I like might be completely different than what she likes.

I'm also thinking ahead to what I will need after she is born.  I have decided to take the month of May to make loads of freezer meals (gluten free of course because we just found out Dave has Celiac disease).  Is there anything else anyone recommends that I should take care of ahead of time?

And then on top of all of this off, we are moving and have nothing for our house!  Not only do I get to decorate the nursery, but I will have an entire house to fill - furniture and all.  I know will take lots of time, but I have lots of planning and Pinteresting to get done.

As you can probably tell, I am only a little stressed right now.  Stay tuned for more posts about my registry, nursery plans, gluten free freezer meals, and more!  Also, if you have any advice, please comment!  Anything helps.

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  22 Weeks Pregnant

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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