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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Ralph 3 Month Update



Weight:  I think about 14.5 pounds.

Height: I won't know until his appointment later this month, but I guess TALL!  He looks like he is over 6 months old.

Clothing Size:  I got him a bunch of 6 month jammies about a month ago which was a big mistake.  Not even a month and they are already getting tight!  He is a big boy!!  BUT that being said, he is fitting into all of his 6 months clothes well. 

Eating:  He loves to eat!  I remember with Gretchen at this age that she was so distracted!  She would unlatch herself and relatch every 30 seconds for an entire feeding!!!  Ralph is focused and likes to relax enjoy his food.  He eats anywhere from 5-10 times during the day is 0 times at night (unless he is going through a growth spurt.)

Sleeping:  Amazing!  He usually takes one long nap in the morning for 2-4 hours.  The rest of his naps are only about 30 minutes though.  AND he sleeps all through the night.  On a good day he will sleep from 8pm-6:30am and on his worst days it is more like 10pm-5am.  Either way, I am still getting a solid chunk of sleep during the nighttime hours which is all I could ask for.  It has been harder to get him to go to bed at night so I think once he starts rolling over I will unswaddle and sleep train him. 


Health:  Great!  He hasn't been sick at all. 

Speech:  Just babbling.  His cry is really cute and raspy too.  

Nicknames:  Ralphie, Squishy Man, Mr. Squishy Face, Ralphosaurus Rex,  Little Buddy, Ralpharoo

Personality: He is so laid back and so happy all the time (unless he is hungry).  

Baby Gear Love: Our play gym - which is similar to this one.  He loves grabbing onto the toys!  

Milestones:  Grabbing toys! 

Likes: Patty Cake AND he LOVES when lay him on his back and move his arms around like he is dancing.  He cracks up every time. 

Dislikes:  Tummy time.  I feel so bad for him every time we do it  He gets big crocodile tears and really hates it.  

Things I Don't Want To Forget:  
This boy drools like no other!  Hold him upright on your shoulder for 10 minutes and your shirt will be soaked!  Probably because he loves sucking on his hands.

Ralph is super gassy always and always rips giant farts you would think were coming from an adult.  Hahaha.

His sad face is so cute!  I think it is even cuter than his smile.  I know I am going to have a hard time saying no to him when he is older.

Gretchen LOVES her baby bro!


These adorable faces!


His hair!!!  It sticks straight up!

Grandma always trying to make him and his cousin Lucy cuddle...

Oh the Snapchat filters!!!

Presents for his big sis!

Giant feet!!!

Just some random pics!  He's so adorable!!!

We love our baby boy!!!

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