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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Happy Hump Day

Happy hump day friends. It has been such an amazing week over here. I have been so on top of everything:  exercising and taking Gretty for walks everyday, staying on top of house cleaning AND laundry, and even trying some new recipes (which I will be sharing soon!).  It feels good when  you can cross everything off of your daily to do list.

Our Valentine's Day was very relaxing.  On Friday, I decided to do some redecorating...hehe.

What is it about putting babies in tight spaces and small things?  Ha.  I must say though I about had a heart attack when this happened...

My little pirate luckily surprised the 3 inch drop...but I'm not kidding about the earthquake in my heart.

On Saturday, I did our weekly meal planning and we all went grocery shopping.  We also took a walk since it was actually sunny out and just relaxed.  We aren't really big on gift giving for Valentines Day, but Dave got us some small gifts anyway.  In return I put Gretchen in a bag for him. Seriously...putting babies in small things is so fun!

Yesterday was one of the best days ever! I was playing with Gretchen on the floor and clapping her hands together. Then I stopped clapping her hands and started clapping mine and she continued clapping by herself! I taught her how to clap! It was one of the best moments of my life. I could definitely see in her eyes that she understood what she was doing, and she kept doing it because it was making me so happy. She is learning so quick and really looks up to Dave and I.  This morning I woke up to her on the baby monitor clapping in her crib. It was the cutest thing.

Today I decided that I am going to do another half marathon this summer!  Yesterday my dad and Sheri came over for Taco Tuesday, and well, Sheri talked me into it.  This June David (I making him do it with me) and I will be running the Seattle Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon. I'm really excited!

I ran a half back in 2012 and told myself that I was probably never going to do it again because I get so bored running, but I really think this will help me stay focused on getting back into shape.  Plus, the actual event is a lot of fun and a huge adrenalin rush.  Last time I ran it in just under 2.5 hours so I am hoping to improve my time this go around. Training starts next week!

Well that's about it for our week so far I hope everyone had a great Wednesday.

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Gretchen 8 Month Update


Sweet little baby model...those rolls!!!


Just got my nails did.
The phone is my secret weapon to get her to look at the camera.  She stole it from me.  Here you can see her monkey feet skills.
I also couldn't help but notice our resemblance when I was taking her 8 month photos...I'm on the top.

Weight:  We had her weighed a few weeks ago and she was 18 pounds 8 ounces.  

Height: No clue...she is getting tall!  Her 6 month pants all fit around the waist, but they are all capris now.

Clothing Size:  6 and 9 month onesies and everything else 9 months.  I guess I didn't learn from my previous mistakes when she went from 3 to 6 month clothes.  I waited too long to try the 9 months on her and most of them are snug!  Also, I didn't make it through all the size 2 diapers so I had to sell them...I think her size 3 diapers are even getting a little tight.  She is growing like a weed!

Eating:  She seems to love everything we give her except avocado - she always spits them back out...I still try every now and then though because I love avocado.  Some new foods that she has tried and really likes are strawberries and blueberries.  She is also nursing in the morning and crazy on about 4 bottles throughout the day.  I' still pumping but I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel (aka the 1 year mark when I plan on switching her to whole milk)!

Sleeping:  This month has been tricky.  She is transitioning from 3 naps to 2 naps and I haven't yet found the right times to put her down...if it is too early she will play in her crib for 45+ minutes before falling asleep and same thing if I put her down too late.  On the bright side, her naps are longer and she doesn't cry in her crib anymore.

Health:  She had her first cold this month.  Luckily she didn't get a fever: she was just plugged up. Gretchen hates the NoseFrida Snotsucker, Dave and I on the other hand love it!  Best thing ever for a sick baby.  The worst part about her cold was that she gave it to me...and then I gave it to Dave.

Speech:  This little girl talks talks talks talks talks!  We love it when she babbles and of course we talk back to her.  The best is when we do something loud and she gets louder because she can't hear herself or she thinks we can't hear her.  For example, I was making a smoothie the other day and had the blender on...over the blender I could hear her squealing!  I turned it off and she quieted right down.

Personality:  Gretchen is super independent.  She can entertain herself for hours.  She is more curious by the day and get's into everything.  She is definitely sassy and I already can tell she is going to challenge me: I told her "NO" in a very stern voice once when she was grabbing onto some cords and she started laughing at me!

She is a go getter  and a getter into everything!  If she has her eye on something, she will not stop until she get's it, even if it means trying to knock a basket over for 10 minutes!

Baby Gear Love: NoseFrida Snotsucker and Crane Drop Shape Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier.  Both were life savers when she had a cold.

Milestones:  She is getting closer and closer to sitting upright (still doing the side lean sit).  She once pushed herself all the way up and Dave and I were cheering so loud - as loud as we would have if Beast Mode ran that last ball to win the Superbowl - and she started smiling and then fell over.

She is still doing the launching instead of crawling, but every once in a while she will move her knees forward before collapsing.

Her pincer grasp is improving every day!  She will find little feathers from our couch on the floor and pick them up with her finger.  Luckily she does not like the taste of these so she doesn't stick them in her mouth anymore.

Likes:  She loves all things paper.  Paper towels, envelopes, paper bags, toilet paper rolls, you name it; if it is paper, it is her new favorite toy.  She also likes getting as close as she can to cords before I whisk her up and move her across the room. Going for walks in her stroller (30 minutes max) and being swung my her daddy are also her favorites.

Dislikes:  Avocado and getting her mouth and hands wiped off after she eats.

Signature Move:  Sideways sitting, downward dog/baby headstands, and eating furniture.

Mom's Proudest Moment:  Seeing different characteristics of both Dave and I shine through in her.  For example, her multitasking skills (she likes to play with toys while balancing a bottle in her mouth).  In this pictures she managed to get her sock off while she was eating.

Dad's Proudest Moment:  Her mom gave her a piece of bacon to suck on one morning when we were eating breakfast, and Gretchen started chewing it!  I had no idea she knew how to chew...I guess the bacon was incentive enough.

Things I Don't Want To Forget: 

Play time with her baby friends Lucy and Brinley at church...Brinley is quite aggressive, but it is good preparation for when Gretty gets siblings.

(Grocery) Shopping Trips!  Gretchen loves getting out of the house, and I love telling her all of the things we are looking at and buying.

Found out this month that she fits in the cart!

That one time I put her in the sink...
**Notice the capris...we need to go shopping for new pants pronto.

That one time I put her in a shoe box...

"I can't put my arms down!"

She's making a run for it!

Exploring her food.

Going to the park and swinging for the first time.

Helping me clip coupons...with hermouth.

Her first Superbowl!  She was not as good of luck outside of the womb as she was inside the womb though. 


Those moments when she is tired and wants to snuggle. 

Her dad loves giving her baths and shoulder rides.

And just some cute pictures!  I can't get enough of my Greta Lou!  

Happy Valentine's Day Daddy!

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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