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Monday, June 16, 2014

Gretchen 1 Week Update

I cannot believe our sweet baby girl is already one week old today!  This past week has been the fastest and biggest blur of my life.  I wish I could freeze time - I want her to be this little forever, but I can't wait to watch her grow.  Gretchen is so perfect and sweet and I could stare at her for hours.

I love these feet.

...and end photo shoot.

Weight:  Birth weight was 7 lbs. 14 oz.. At her 4 day check up she was 7 lbs. 5 oz.

Height:  20 inches

Clothing Size:  Newborn

Eating:  Momma's breast milk has finally come in.  Gretchen normally will suck herself into a milk coma during most feedings.

Sleeping:  It seems like she sleeps most during the days.  I pulled my first all nighter with her the second day home from the hospital.  She gets into these deeps sleeps though where nothing will wake her and she will flail her arms and legs. She also makes the cutest faces in her sleep.  My two favorite are one where she will mean mug and the other is a face Dave also makes - she will raise her eyebrows and scrunch her forehead while the rest of her face is relaxed.

Health:  We spent 2 days in the NICU after she was born because of low blood sugar and a uterine infection scare (both her and I had temperatures over 100) everything is okay though!

Speech:  Not yet, although she makes these cute noises in her sleep sometimes.

Nicknames:  Greta Lou, Gretty, Grouchy Greta (when she won't stop crying), The Beast

Personality:  She is very laid back and loves to stare at things.  She especially loves looking at her daddy.   

Baby Gear Love:  I don't think I would have survived breastfeeding to this point without my Boppy Pillow

Milestones:  I would say was hard work for both of us.

Likes:  She loooooves when daddy bounces her on the exercise ball.  She also loves cuddling and scrunching into a ball...we call it the frog.  Oh and getting her hair brushed.

Dislikes:  Sponge baths.

Things I Don't Want To Forget:  Day 6 she had her first big blow out.  It was after midnight and I heard a big splat in her diaper.  I asked Dave to change her because I was getting ready to nurse and he was like I think she just farted.  Anyway, he goes to change her and I went into her room to see if she had pooped and she had...Dave started wiping her and then she started pooping more...and more...and more...we probably went through 5 diapers.  My favorite quotes from her dad while this was happening and I am sure she will be embarrassed about when she is older and reads this:  "her sphincter is still open" and "I have never seen poop come out of a butt hole before."  I was dying laughing while all of this was happening and thanking God I wasn't still pregnant or else I would have been throwing up everywhere.

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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