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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Ralph 7,8, & 9 Month Update

OMG I am so behind on posting about Ralph!  I guess that is what happens when you have 2 kids.  I am going to do my best to include as much as I can about the past 3 months!  And PHOTO OVERLOAD!!!







Weight:  From 7-9 months he went from 17 pounds to roughly 19 pounds.  

Height:  Oh gosh I have no clue...he is tall though...I think 26-28 inches.

Clothing Size:  At 7 months he was wearing 9 month clothes and now those are getting a little snug on him.  

Eating:   Breastfeeding and baby food.  He has been eating more and more baby food and is quite the tank!  His favorites are prunes and sweet potatoes! 

Sleeping:  He is still waking up about once a night but after he eats he falls right back asleep.  Aside from the night feeding he sleeps 12 hours a night.  Also within this time he has transitioned from 3 naps to 2 naps...this SUCKS!!!  Gretchen's nap falls between Ralph's naps so I don't get an overlapping nap anymore!

Health:  He had a cough fever of over 100 so we took him to urgent care, but it just ended up being a nasty cold.  :(  Poor guy was miserable!  

Speech:  No distinct words yet but he LOVES to laugh!

Nicknames:   The Big Man, Ralpharoo, Ralpharooski, Roo Bear, Ralphie, My Precious Angel, Bug

Personality:  Ralph is just the sweetest boy ever and he is so relaxed.  (Night and day difference compared to Gretchen!)  He will sit on your lap for hours and loves to cuddle.  He is so interested in his big sister and loves to watch her and stares at her all the time.  During car rides he will lean forward in his seat and just watch her the whole time with a mean mug on his face.  When we are at home, he loves crawling over to her and tries to play with her...he loves Gretchen so much!  

Ralph is also SUPER ticklish and cracks up anytime you tickle his belly or neck.  His belly laugh is the best and makes us crack up every time!   He is also a very sensitive little boy.  He gets scared easily and needs to be comforted a lot.  

Baby Gear Love:  We go through a lot of these everyday!  I love them!  Munchkin Baby Spoons.

Milestones:  Sitting up on his own.  Army crawling.  TEETH!!!  In the past couple of months he has cut 3 teeth on the bottom and his 2 front top teeth.

Likes:  He looooves peek a boo and smiles every time you pop out from behind something.  He also likes to play hide and seek now that he can crawl.  When he finds you hiding behind a while he gets the biggest grin on his face and is more happy to see you than he is proud that he found you.

Dislikes:   After his naptime he needs to be held for a little bit to get in his cuddles.  If you put him down too soon he will cry..hard.  Ralph has always had the biggest alligator tears!  Anytime he cries they instantly start streaming down his face.  

Things I Don't Want To Forget: 

Ralphie's first Christmas!!

 Brother & sister LOVE!!!


The HAIR!!!

Surprising Davey on his birthday at the police academy.  Ralph fell asleep like this while eating.

He is just so chill all the time!

Dave's police academy graduation!

This boy really loves his prunes!

 And he loves his daddy!!!

Bedtime stories.

 This cool trick!

 Food!!!!  He loves it!

 How good of a big sis Gretty is!  She ALWAYS comforts him when he is sad.

 How cute he looks in his hat!!!

First time in a swing!!

 Mommy love!!!



How much he looks like Gretty when they were both 8 months old!

He is just so stinkin smiley!  I love it!!!

He is always so smiley!!!  It melts my heart.  Such a happy baby.

 My workout buddy!

Annnnd this always happens when he is eating and my hair is down.

Handsome baby!!!

First time he got sick.  We had to take him to the doctor because of his high fever.


And this move whenever he is eating and something else more interesting is happening.

Putting him in small things is always fun.

 His first haircut!!  Done by me!

Lot's of mommy snuggles and kisses.

Dave's swearing in ceremony with grandma and grandpa.

Gretchen playing with Ralphie.  Not sure he was a big fan of this.

 Ralph loves his prunes!

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