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Monday, April 25, 2016

33 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  33 Weeks 3 Days
Gender:  BOY!!
Weight Gain:  +33 pounds...a pound for every week :D
Maternity Clothes:  None of my old clothes fit anymore so yes!  Exclusively.  
Stretch Marks:  No new ones.
Sleep:  Awful!  He has been moving so much between 10pm-2am that I have only been sleeping in 10 minute increments.  Then I finally fall asleep around 2:30 or 3 and only get a few hours of sleep.  It sucks.  
Best moment of the week:  Making HUGE progress in a lot of our projects.  Basically all I have left in the kids room is hanging things on the walls and transitioning Gretchen to her big bed.  
Miss Anything:  SLEEP!  But I know it is going to be a while before I get to do that again...
Movement:  Oh yea!  He is super strong.  I would say he moves a little less than Gretchen did, but when he does move, they are BIG and it looks like I have an alien in my belly.
Cravings:  Anything grilled...mainly cheeseburgers and corn on the cob.  Oh and strawberry lemonade!
Aversions:  Nope.
Queasy or sick:  This week I have felt like I was going to throw up a few times because my heartburn was so bad. 
Looking forward to:  Being all done with project and just relaxing the last month!  That's the plan anyway.  I would say that all of my nesting projects are about 90% done!  Woohoo!  

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Friday, April 15, 2016

31 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  31 weeks
Gender:  Baby BOY!
Weight Gain:  +30 Pounds
Maternity Clothes:  Yep!  Sticking with dresses and yoga pants.  The weather has been super HOT around here (well hot for WA) so I need to get some shorts!  
Stretch Marks:  Not any new ones.  My belly seems WAY smaller this time around.  
Sleep:  So Gretchen spent the night with her grandparents last night which meant I didn't have the monitor or her sound machine one...funny thing...I couldn't sleep!  So at 2am I went and turned on her sound machine so I could hear it and slept like a baby the rest of the night.
Best moment of the week:  All week!  It has been super sunny and we have gotten outside a lot.  I also picked up some super cute boy onesies at Fred Meyer for 50% off!  #winning
Miss Anything:  Not feeling like a trainwreck at the end of the day.  By the time Gretchen goes to bed, it takes serious effort to get up off the couch.  I am just so exhausted and my body feels weak!  Must be from how active I have been during the days since I get in a workout or walk and spend a lot of time carrying a 30 pounder around!
Movement:  Yep!  And painful kicks too.  Last time the painful kicks didn't start until 36 weeks or so.  I get the feeling I am going to have a looooong 3rd trimester ahead of me. 
Cravings:  Fresh salads and watermelon.  I seriously can't wait until watermelon season arrives!  
Aversions:  None.
Queasy or sick:  Just when I go too long between meals. 
Looking forward to:  Again, getting everything organized.  Full nesting mode has kicked in...the only problem is I don't have a lot of time!  

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Friday, April 1, 2016

30 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  30 weeks
Gender:  Boy. 
Weight Gain:  +28 lbs.
Maternity Clothes:  Lazy this week so mainly pajama pants rolled under the belly or maternity yoga pants!  I tried wearing a few of my regular shirts, but they are waaaaay to tight and ride up my belly so maternity shirts for the next 10 weeks it is!
Stretch Marks:  No new ones.  Although it looks like some of my old ones are getting pinker but I am not sure...
Sleep:  Ugh...well I have to pee like 5 times a night and I am usually so exhausted that I just get mad every time I wake up and have to roll myself out of bed.
Best moment of the week:  The weather has been so nice so finally getting outside to enjoy some walks instead of going to the gym and walking on the treadmill!
Miss Anything:  I am missing my old body...not having to pee a bajillion times a day, not getting kicked in the ribs...oh and I really miss laying on my belly!
Movement:  Yea he has gone from chill to crazy baby lol.  He really likes to kick down super so low I'm afraid he is going to kick his way feels weird!  Gretchen was never that low. 
Cravings:  Watermelon and nice ice (you know the ice they have at Sonic!)
Aversions:  None.
Queasy or sick:  Nope.
Looking forward to:  Getting his room together!  He is going to share a room with Gretchen and I have gathered some stuff, but I need to finish my spring cleaning and selling a few things on Craigslist first.

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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