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Friday, June 20, 2014

Surviving The First Week And Momma Must Haves

11 days in and I can say that being a mom is one of the hardest things I have ever done.  Not only is it physically exhausting, but emotionally as well.  My hormones have been going crazy and I am crying all the time - partially out of sleep deprivation and frustration, but also because I love my baby so much and looking at her sweet face makes me weep sometimes because I am the happiest I have ever been.

I can't get enough of this face.

For the past week, Gretchen has not been sleeping.  At about 8:00pm-10:00pm she will be up and cry until the morning. She is up for hours at a time and nothing will soothe her to sleep.  She has also been gassy and we can hear it in her tummy, she is really uncomfortable and overtired.  Wednesday I was worried so I took her to the doctor - being up for 8 hours at a time for so many nights in a row is no good for a newborn (or a first time mom)!  The doctor said she has her days and nights mixed up (obviously) and that she is also colicky.  I got some good advice and her doctor told us to start giving her probiotic drops which should help.  I have also cut dairy out of my diet hoping it will help with her gas and I invested in the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child which a friend recommended.

As of the last week here is how my nights usually go:

10:00pm - Gretchen wakes up.  I feed her and burp her.
10:30pm - She stars crying. Try to soothe her.
10:40pm - Continue feeding Gretchen.
11:00pm - Stop feeding her and she starts crying.  I know she is not hungry so I try to soothe her:  bounce her, glide her, rock her, walk up and down the stairs 800 times, put her in her swing, put her on her tummy, put her on her back, put her on her side, put on white noise, try burping her again, sing to her, try to give her to take a binky, dance with her, put a warm blanket on her belly, do leg exercises to try to work out gas.  One night I let her cry for 10 minutes but that was so heartbreaking and I felt like the worst mother ever - it was like she thought she had been abandoned and I couldn't take it.
1:00am - Give up. Nothing will get her to stop crying except nursing so start nursing her again.
1:45am - She looks like she is falling asleep so take her off the breast.
1:46am - She starts crying.
1:47am - Start trying to soothe her again.
2:00am - Start crying because it has been 4 hours and i can't get her to sleep and she sound like she is in pain.
2:01am - Wake up Dave and get him to take her.
2:02am - Go up to my bedroom, lie on the floor, and cry. I can't soothe my own child. 
3:00am - Hear Gretchen crying downstairs. Still no sleep for me.
3:01am - Go downstairs and nurse Gretchen.  Simultaneously Google what is going on and what else I can try.
3:45am - She looks like she is finally falling asleep.  Do nothing.  Leave her on my breast.
4:15am - Finally get the courage to move her up on my chest.
4:16am - She opens her eyes for a second, but looks drowsy.  Pray she will go back to sleep.
4:30am - She still looks sleepy. Give her to Dave and finally shut my eyes.
6:00am - Dave tells me she is finally asleep.  Fall asleep myself.
7:00am - Gretchen wakes up to eat then immediately falls asleep. I nap.
9:00am - Wake up starving and find something to eat for breakfast, then brush my teeth.
9:15am -  The beast has woken. Feed her.  At this point I am unable to nap but Baby G sleeps well all day until this all starts over again in about 12 hours.

Milk coma...this is obviously one of her day time naps.

As you can see this first week has been rough.  If she truly has colic then we are in for the roughest 3-4 months of our lives.  Today I have been trying to express enough milk to make a bottle that Dave can give her during the night, but the breast pump doesn't work well so I am hand expressing and getting about 1/4 oz. after each feeding.  My mom is also coming to stay the night tonight to help out so maybe I will get a solid 4 hours.

Today we are doing okay, I am paying extra attention to her sleep cues and making sure she goes no more than 2 hours between feedings and is not up for more than an hour at a time; desperately hoping that she will not get overtired and will be able to sleep for maybe 1 hour tonight.  Even though the nights are hard and I get frustrated, I still love to cuddle her while she sleeps, but she also loves her swing (during the day) so I put her in there when I need to eat or do things around the house (note that today I have decided to stop doing things around the house because I need to rest and relax).  Some people might say that I spoil her by holding her all the time and letting her sleep on me, but I don't think you can spoil a baby and I don't think I will ever look back and regret those precious moments I got to hold her her in my arms.

Aside from colic hell, there were also a few things that made my first week a little easier (I want to make sure to remember this for the next baby):

For The Lady Bits
  • Stool Softeners - No one ever mentions how sore you are down there after you have a baby...I was terrified to have a BM after birth and got some prescription stool softeners, but next time I will start taking regular ones everyday for at least a week before my due date.
  • Giant Pads - For the bleeding.  I liked the ones that they gave me at the hospital so next time I need to take more.
  • Diaper Ice Packs - To put on top of the giant pads.
  • Tucks Medicated Witch Hazel Pads  - To put on top of the diaper ice pack.
  • Hospital Underwear - They are seriously so comfortable!  Next time I will definitely be taking more of these as well.
  • Dermoplast First Aid Spray  - This is numbing and cooling at the same time.  I went through about 2 cans of this.

Nursing Essentials
  • Boppy Pillow
  • Lansinoh HPA Lanolin Nipple Cream
  • Medela Nipple Shield
  • Lots of Pillows
  • Nursing Bra - I wish I would have ordered several in different styles and sizes so when my milk came in I wouldn't have to stress about not having a supportive bra.  Then return the ones I didn't want. When my milk came in a swear I grew at least 2 cup sizes overnight, but then they went down a little the next day.

  • Prescription Medications and Vitamins.  I am currently taking the following:
    • Iron
    • Ibuprofen
    • Stool Softeners
    • Prenatal Vitamin
    • Vitamin D
    • Fenugreek (to help with my milk supply)
    • Vitamin C (to keep from getting sick since I am losing so much sleep)
  • Bath Salts - The best thing I did for myself the day after I got home was take a steaming hot bath.  This was so soothing for the sore area, my back, my breasts from my milk coming in, and my sore nipples.
  • Heating Pads - My back was sore for a few days from the epidural so it was nice to put heat on it.
Also, for the next baby I'm going to make sure I everything all set up in the living room where I will be spending most of my time so when I get home I don't have to worry about gathering everything all together. Right now we have a changing station set up on the floor, plenty of diapers and wipes, Nosefrida Snotsucker, wash cloths, burp cloths, camera, water bottle for mama, and lots of blankets and pillows.

Well, I hear someone waking up!  Better get back to this mom thing.  Until next time...

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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