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Monday, August 11, 2014

Gretchen 2 Month Update

Weight:  Because of her slow weight gain, we have been going in frequently to get her weighed.  A week ago, she weighed 9 pounds 7 ounces so I'm guessing she is getting close to 10 pounds. 

Height:  We will find out next week at her wellchild checkup...I'm guessing 24 inches.  She is super long!

Clothing Size:  So sad that her newborn clothes are so tight that I can't even fit some over her head.  With the exception of some of her newborn clothes, she is now in 0-3 month clothes.  Size 1 diapers.

Eating:  Getting better everyday.  We are only giving her one 2 ounce bottle of breast milk before bed and she is gaining almost an ounce a day.

Sleeping:  She is technically sleeping through the night because she will give us one 5-7 hour stretch every night.  We are not sleeping through the night though because she will wake up between 3 and 4 to eat.  Luckily she falls right back asleep for another 2-3 or so hours after I feed her.

Health:  Super healthy and strong!

Speech:  Just some cooing and gurgling noises.  I have started having conversations with her (although they are very one sided) but she is getting the hang of listening and then responding with noises.

Nicknames: The Beast, Gretty, Greta, Greta Lou, Baby G, Babe

Personality:  We have one sassy girl on our hands.  I mentioned in my post last week how she looooves smiling.  Well she has perfect timing with her smiles.  She poops on her dad while he is changing her at least once a week and after she does it she starts to smile.  Sometimes when I tease her dad too she will smile (probably because she sees me smile and laugh, but I like to think she can understand me.)

Baby Gear Love:  We have been putting our Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller to good use.  She loves to go on walks!

Milestones:  Smiles all day long!  She is one happy baby.  It is like night and day from her first month.

Loves:  Car rides, going on walks, bath time (we always sing songs to her during bath time), being outside, her play gym - especially this star that lights up, grocery shopping with mom, the vacuum cleaner, being worn in the Baby K'tan.

Dislikes:  When mom and dad skip her bath and air blown in her face.

Signature Move:  Sneezing in twos, pooping on her dad while he is changing her, reaching for the sky with her legs criss-crossed apple sauce when we pick her up and she is stretching (soooo cute).

Mom's Proudest Moment:  2 months of breastfeeding and not having to supplement with formula.  Sometimes it get monotonous, but I love the bonding time.

Dad's Proudest Moment:  Whenever she smiles, even if he just got pooped on.

Things I Don't Want To Forget:  
The Vacuum
Gretchen loooves the vacuum and we cave in by turning it on for her at night to help her fall asleep.  She's so spoiled :)  What can I say, the woman looooves noise! other white noise machine will cut it to get her to sleep, it has to be loud, and it has to be the vacuum for some reason (I blame Dave if she goes deaf because he puts it so close to her head.).  For some of her naps and always at night we will take the vacuum cleaner and turn it on.  Sometimes she will fall asleep immediately and sometimes it takes a few minutes.  We have learned that in order to keep her asleep we need to leave it on for 10 minutes or so and then phase it out replacing it with some other kind of white noise. I am not going to name names, but one time someone fell asleep with the vacuum cleaner on and it was on for 3 hours straight before he woke up to turn it off.  The other person was mad.

Usually this is how our nights look:
1. Give Gretchen a bath.  Leave her in there for as long as we can stand because if she had it her way she would lay in the bath all day long.
2.  Take her out of the bath (she screams) lotion her body, put on diaper.
3.  Feed her while Dave reads us a story.
4.  Swaddle her, say a prayer, and lay her down.
**All pretty standard up to this point.
5.  Bust out the vacuum which is conveniently in our closet.
6.  Turn vacuum on and watch Gretty's face because relaxed.
7.  Hold binky or our finger in her mouth until she falls asleep (roughly 1-15 minutes).
8.  Hang out on bed with vacuum still on for another 10 minutes trying not to fall asleep.
9.  Turn on white noise.
10.  Slowly walk the vacuum back to our closet and turn off.
11.  If she wakes up, repeat steps 5-10.

Notice the vacuum next to her...
Around the time she turned 6 weeks, I saw her first smile that I knew was not because of gas!  I knew she was smiling at me and every time she does my heart melts and my day is made - even if she cried for hours the night before.

Hair Loss
We got Gretchen's tongue tie clipped this month and that was when I first started to notice she was losing her hair.  Over the next few weeks she lost most of her hair on top and was sporting the horse shoe look (kind of like her daddy).  It is slowly starting to grow back now though and it is quite stubbly but still soft.

Some of My Favorite Pics

Milk Coma,
She doesn't like being momma's purse.

Love that belly!

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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