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Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Whale Watching Weekend

What a fun weekend!  Dave's sister and kids came to visit from Boise and we went whale watching!  Crazy how a day long event can take so much preparation when you have a 2 month old.  I can't control when Gretty is going to be tired or hungry, but I do the best I can to work backwards from the event to be able to plan and figure out about when I should feed her the night before so everything lines up with when we need to leave.  Everything worked out perfect, I woke up at 5am to get ready and then she woke up on her own around 5:45 to eat.  I fed her and Dave helped me get her ready then we were off to Anacortes by 6:45am to our Island Adventure tour.  I must say she loves all things water; she practically slept the entire time on the boat - it was 100% conducive to her perfect sleep environment:  loud, lots of motion, and tightly secured to her momma's chest.

We were on the boat for a little over 5 hours and were able to see 2 groups of orcas (T37 and T34 - not sure why they are called that...)!  Crazy to think I have lived in Washington by the Puget Sound my entire life and yesterday was the first time I had ever seen a whale (besides at SeaWorld which is forever ruined because of Blackfish).

Here are some of my favorite pictures to recap our excursion.

Papa Al soaking up the (lack of) sun. 

Colli and Grammy Pammy.

Our nephew, Cash, who shortly passed out on this bench after this photo was taken. 
No trip up north is complete without stopping at Snow Goose Produce for ice cream.  See our niece Collins enjoying her bubble gum icecream.  #toocuteforwords

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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