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Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gretchen 5 Month Update

Better late than never.  Gretty turned 5 months old on November 9.  Isn't she growing up to be the most beautiful baby?  We love her more and more everyday.

Weight:  Around 13 pounds.

Height:  26.5 inches.

Clothing Size:  0-3-6 months.  The 0-3 month jammies are short on her so she wears the 6 month jammers.

Eating:  Much better...I feed her half the time and pump half the time because she is cronically distracted when she eats - even with a bottle I have to hold her facing out and chase her around with it...I feel like I am force feeding her.

Sleeping:  12-13 hours straight at night...she has officially dropped her 3am feeding.  Naps are still short, but I finally was able to nap train her which was really hard, but she will fall asleep on her own usually within 15 minutes for naps now.

Health:  Rosy cheeks and big blue eyes!  Super healthy.

Speech:  Mainly just high pitched vowel sounds.

Personality:  Gretty is super determined and focused.  She is also very independent and would rather be on the floor rolling around and exploring.  She spent almost 10 minutes trying to knock a box over one day and was so proud of herself when she did. 

Baby Gear Love:  Big fan of the Graco Pack 'N Play this month...I have been trying to take her other places every once in a while to nap so she gets used to it.

Milestones:  As I am sure you can tell from all of her pictures,  she has found her feet and loves to suck on her toes.

Likes:  She loves rolling under her crib and grabbing peoples faces.  She also loves sitting on my stomach while I do crunches and cracks up every time.  She also likes when her daddy holds her on her belly and flies her around like an airplane.

Dislikes:  Not any strong dislikes, but she can only tolerate the car for short rides unless someone is in the back entertaining her.

Signature Move:  Putting her feet in her mouth any chance she gets.

Mom's Proudest Moment:  Definitely nap training.  Now I know I can put her down and get her to nap for at least 45 minutes.  This means I have time to do other things aside from eating and showering.

Dad's Proudest Moment:  No blow outs on daddy this month!

Things I Don't Want To Forget: 

Rolling away from her toys to help her momma put together Ikea furniture. 

Her first time at the pumpkin patch.

Her first Halloween as a bunny.
And here are some random pictures of my beautiful babe.

She loves rolling herself up like a burrito.

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