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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Gretchen 4 Month Update

Yes, I know I have been absent from the blog for quite some time, but between binge watching The Blacklist on Netflix and coping with postpartum hair loss, I haven't had much free time.  Here is my sweet baby girl's 4 month update.  I cannot believe how fast she is growing up.  I am trying to savor every second of every day (even the ones where she drives me nuts).  I love this girl to death and am so excited to keep watching her grow.

Weight:  12 pounds.

Height:  25.5 inches.

Clothing Size:  0-3 months and some 3-6 months (mainly pants and jammies)

Eating:  It was my every intention to make sure she would be an extra chubby baby, but that is not in the cards for her.  She is long and lean just like I was when I was a baby.  She has been slowly falling off her weight curve, but is meeting all of her milestones.  We went to the lactation consultant again so more to come on that later.

Sleeping:  Nighttime sleep is awesome!  Since sleep training her, she will fall asleep on her own, no fussing, within 10 minutes.  Naps on the other hand are a royal disaster and only 30-45 minutes. It is frustrating for both of us.

Health:  Happy and healthy.  Meeting all of her developmental milestones early!

Speech:  No words yet, but she sure is talkative!  Whenever we aren't paying attention to her, especially in the car, she just babbles on and on.  It is so cute!  I also like to whisper things in her ear and tell her to repeat them to her dad and she does!  Well not word for word, but I say something and then she says something.

Nicknames:  No new nicknames.

Personality:  Something happened when she started to roll over - she became the happiest baby on the block.  I think she just wanted to move.  She is independent and only likes to cuddle if you are holding her up on your shoulder so she can still look around or if she strapped to my chest:  the only other times we can truly snuggle the heck out of her is when she is sleeping.

Baby Gear Love:  Mesh Crib Bumper because she rolls around so much in her crib and would bang her head and get limbs stuck if we didn't have one.

Aquaphor!  Best diaper rash cream out there.  She got a little bit of a rash from when she got thrush and it cleared up in just a few hours!

She also loves playing with her Lamaze Toys.  So bright and colorful and she is getting really good at grabbing on to things.

Milestones:  Rolling, rolling, and more rolling.  Put the girl on the floor and she is a rolling machine!  She is also enjoying tummy time and can do a mini push up - sometimes getting her butt a little bit in the air.

Likes:  Being on the floor and so she can roll to wherever she wants.

Singing.  She squeals along while I sing in the shower.

Running errands with mommy.  She loves to look at new things and at peoples faces in the safety of her K'tan where she can look at me if she gets overwhelmed.

Dislikes:  Naps.

Signature Move:  Rolling (mainly left) and having her fist in her mouth - sometimes rolling with her fist in her mouth.

Mom's Proudest Moment:  Sleep training.  It was so hard but so worth it!

Dad's Proudest Moment:  Putting Gretchen on his shoulders for the first time.

Things I Don't Want To Forget: 
The way it feels to have her slobbery fingers grabbing at my face while we are playing.  It makes me so happy!

Her first Mariner's game.

How quickly she started rolling!  Back to belly at 3 months 1 week, and belly to back just a week later.

She transitioned from 4 naps to 3 naps.  The 3 naps are short!

She got thrush!  Ahhhh...I have no idea how and it is not super bad, but she got it.

Sleeping unswaddled!  We did it cold turkey and had no problem at all.  She loves the freedom but I miss her cute baby stretches that she did when we unwrapped her though.

And a feast for your eyes:  here are some random pictures snapped via my iPhone.

Toy overload!



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