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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Gretchen 7 Month Update

Baby headstand!

Love this face...she makes it all the time.


Notice her signature hand move.

Weight:  Somewhere in the 16-17 pound range.

Height: Not sure...she was 27 inches at her 6 month checkup and she is getting bigger everyday so I am going to guess 28 inches.

Clothing Size:  A mixture of 6 and 9 month.  I have learned to put things on her even if I think they will be big because one day I tried a 9 month outfit on her and it fit perfectly.  Every time she fits into the next size up it is a sudden realization that my baby is growing so fast!

Eating:  I nurse her in the morning and then give her 3 more 6 oz bottles throughout the day.  It is a struggle to get her to take a bottle because she is a busy baby and always has so much to do and look at.  She does love baby food though and eats a ton of it.  She loves everything we give her, but her favorite is probably apple sauce and sweet potatoes.

Sleeping:  Still on a 3 nap schedule and sleeping through the night.  Her bedtime is 6:30pm and she normally wakes up at 6:30am but will fall back asleep a little before 7 until 7:30 or so.  I milk that for everything I can and never get her before 7.  Usually when she wakes up though she just squeals and laughs and plays by herself - its is adorable!

Health:  I got super sick over Christmas and think I may have passed a little to her.  She never had a fever but there was a couple days right after Christmas where she pretty much slept all. day. long. and only woke up to eat.  

She also got a yeast infection, but it cleared up once we started using Lotramin on it.  The best part of the yeast infection though was capturing this beauty when we were letting it air out...

Speech:  She is making more consonant sounds now and has said both "mama" and "dada"...I am pretty sure she doesn't know what she is saying though.  She also likes the G sound...probably because her name starts with a G...and well...she is a G!

Personality:  She is a busy busy baby and always has somewhere to roll or "crawl" too.  I am constantly chasing her and I know it is only going to get worse.  This photo shoot with her was especially hard (I was sweating by the end) because she kept rolling and crawling everywhere and I would have to pick her up and move her back and grab my camera as fast as I could to take a picture before she somehow got under her crib.

Gretchen is very inquisitive and takes everything in whenever we go somewhere new.  She is so smart and determined.  She somehow manages to always roll herself under tight spaces even if it means repeatedly bumping her head.

Baby Gear Love: Fisher-Price Luv U Zoo Jumperoo.  She is obsessed with jumping!  We did have to put a few boards undeneath though so her feet can reach the ground.  The only thing I don't like about this is that is so big and you can't fold it up, but she could jump for hours if I let her and squeals and smiles everytime we put her in it..

Milestones:  Moving objects from one hand to the other. Drinking out of her sippy cup.  She can sit up on her own now too, but not for long because she prefers to chase her toys around.

Likes: She looooves books...not reading or looking at them, but eating them.  Ha!  She always rolls over to the book shelf and takes off all of the books.  Whenever we play in her room, she finds her basket of books and starts pulling them out too.

Dislikes:  Naps.  Well not technically napping but when play time ends.  She always wails when I put her down, but after about 30 seconds of crying and 2-15 minutes of rolling around, she is out!  I hate hearing her cry so hard when I put her down, but I have learned that it is just her protest cry.

Signature Move:  Caterpillar crawling.  Eating the bottom of the coffee table.  Pulling all of the books off the shelf.

Mom's Proudest Moment:  Realizing that she really does look to me for everything.  She is always copying what I do and I can tell she takes in everything I say (even though she may not understand it all...she definitely gets my tone of voice).

Love my mini me :)

Dad's Proudest Moment:  Hearing her getting better at talking - specifically her being able to say "dada".

Don't mind the do...this was on "Partes Martes".

Things I Don't Want To Forget: 
I have made it my goal/New Years Resolution to make her have a laughing fit every day.  She laughs so hard now and it is the cutest thing in the world.  It makes both of us so happy.  She isn't an easy one to get to laugh though.  I have figured out one of her favorite things though is when I play peekaboo with her over her crib bumper.

Spending time with her cousin, Dean.

Laundry with mom!


Picking Auntie Emmy Cow up at the airport from her mission in Brazil. 

Full bellies.

First time visiting Santa!

First Christmas!

First pony tail.

This new sleeping position:

Proclaiming her love for me.

Such a good student.

Still loves playing with faces.

Petting a dog for the first time.  She sure loves Sadie!

Learning to crawl...and her badunkadunk!

Loving that I get to stay at home with her and I enjoy every minute of every day.  Gretchen has shown me a new meaning of happiness and love.  I can't imagine life without her.

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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