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Friday, May 16, 2014

Five On Friday: Summer Favorites

I am seriously so excited for summer! I don’t know if it is this beautiful weather we have been having, knowing I get the whole summer off for maternity leave, or because I will get to meet my baby girl and fall in love all over again!

Today I decided to link up for another Five On Friday to tell you my 5 favorite things about summer!

1.  The Smell of Sunscreen
This also includes the smell of chlorine from the pool. I especially love when you can still smell it the next time you go to put on your swim suit.

2.  Waking Up From The Sun
I use to not like this because summer was a time for finally getting to sleep in, but now I love waking up and being refreshed and still having the entire morning to do things.

3.  Late Sunsets
This means longer days. So much vitamin D!

(Like how the last three all have the word “sun” in them…you can tell I am a true Washingtonian)

4.  Outdoor Activities
From walking, to boating, to rollerblading, hiking, fishing…the list goes on and on. Summer is the best time to do all of these things because you won’t get cold or wet AND you can work on your tan!

5.  BBQs and Bon Fires
A perfect summer day always ends with a BBQ complete with hot dogs, burgers, watermelon, sour cream and onion chips, and lemonade (I could eat this meal every day in the summer). Then a nice bon fire with s’mores and hanging out with family and friends. I also love waking up the next day with the smell of campfire still in your hair and getting to skip a shower because you are going to the beach or lake!  

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  1. i lovee love sunsets during the summer :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  2. Love being outside with my girls lately! Can't wait to start BBQing and heading out on some family walks! Happy Friday!!

  3. Stopping by from the linkup!

    I'm so with you on the sunscreen! I know some people aren't the biggest fans of the smell but I love it! It just immediately reminds me of good times! And yes, the late sunsets rock my world. Summer nights are just the best! =)

    Come say hey!


About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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