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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Gretchen 12 Month Update

We did it!  We made it to a year.  This will be the last of the monthly updates, but I still plan on doing one every few months.  I can't believe how much she has changed in a year.  I love my Greta Lou so much!




Weight:  21 pounds 5.4 ounces 

Height:  31 inches!  She is so tall, 96% for height!

Clothing Size:  18 months.

Eating:  Just finger foods now.  She loooooves her "blues" (blueberries) and she also surprisingly loves spicy foods like Famous Dave's Spicy Pickles and fajitas.  Cheese and salami are also some new foods that she enjoys.  Pretty much she will try anything and if I am eating something than she needs to eat it too.

Sleeping:  She has been skipping at least 1-5 naps a week.  This past week has been pretty good though and I think her nap skipping was due to teething.  She officially has 3 teeth: the bottom middle 2 and she just cut her top front right tooth.

Health: So awesome!  She has never been sick, but she has had some runny noses when she is getting a new tooth.

Speech:  Mama, dada, and some random babbling.  I swear she is trying to speak sentence most of the time but none of it make sense.  She also has a short little giggle down that she will do whenever we laugh and she doesn't know what we are laughing about.

Personality:  She is so smart and is starting to copy everything we do.  She can show us a few body parts when we ask her (head, belly, chest, and legs) and she can clap and wave when we say it too.  She also has learned how to blow raspberries on us (we always do it to her...she is quite ticklish) and copies the tone of our voice if we are loud or whispering.  She is so kind and loves to share toys with other babies and always tries to feed me when she is eating.  She is such a joy to be around and loves laughing with us and cuddling before nap time.

Baby Gear Love:  She loves her Fisher-Price Musical Lion Walker and will cruise around the whole downstairs with it...other than that, she crawls everywhere.  She doesn't seem that close to walking, but maybe in the next few months.

Milestones:  Nothing new this month.   Getting my camera ready for when she starts walking though!

Likes:  Blueberries.  She would eat them all day every day if we let her.

Dislikes:  Diaper changes especially when she is not on her changing table...I have had to change a few diapers while she was standing up because she was being that difficult.  She always manages to flip herself over.

Signature Move:  Opening and closing all drawers and cupboards whenever possible.  She also likes to dig through the garbage when we aren't looking.

Mom's Proudest Moment:  Swim lessons!  She does so well in the water and never cries.  I have also dunked her several times and she doesn't ever freak out.  Once she got more comfortable in the water she started splashing with her hands and kicking her legs a lot.

Dad's Proudest Moment:  Gretchen going from repeatedly saying "mamamama" to "dadadada".  (Dave told me after the fact that it was because when I wasn't around that was all he said to her.)  Thanks Jimmy Fallon for giving him that idea.  Maybe I shouldn't have got him Your Baby's First Word Will Be DADA for Father's Day.

Things I Don't Want To Forget: 

Her first birthday party!  Such an amazing day!

She loves smoothies and really enjoys drinking from straws. 

This face/cuteness.

Always trying to crawl into the smallest spaces.  This picture makes me especially sad because she looks more like a small person than a baby :(

Swim lessons!  This was one of those times I had to change her diaper while she was standing.

She prefers looking around than at me in the shopping cart and somehow managed to flip herself around.

Flirting/rapping with her future husband Daniel Starrs!

Ray's 6th birthday party!

Not liking the prickly grass on her legs.  She rolled backwards a few times.

Always chasing her around!  And these adorable pink overalls.

Mean muggin.

She loves climbing around on the Mommy Gym.

Look at this diva seep.  Play hard, sleep hard.


She loves boxes.  I don't know how she did this, but one day I turned around and the next thing I know she had climbed in her box.

Her amber teething necklace which is supposed to help with inflammation...well she likes to use it at a chew toy instead.  Good thing the beads are all individually knotted and it is really sturdy.

Post workout selfies.

And that one time I felt like the worst mom ever because I couldn't see her legs on the monitor and had no idea she was stuck like this.

My first Mother's Day!

To my baby Gretchen:  thanks for making this the best year of my life!  I love you and your sweet face (and squishy forehead).  You make me smile every day and have brought a new meaning to my life.  I will continue to love you more every day and am looking forward to watching you grow...but not too fast!

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I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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