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Monday, May 11, 2015

Gretchen 10 Month Update

Gretchen turned 11 months last Saturday so I figured I had to buckle down and finally get her 10 month update posted that I have been working of forever.  So here we go...

Weight:  Somewhere in the low to mid 20's.

Height:  Close to 30"!  We had to get a new car seat.  G is officially riding in style in her new Diono Rainier.

Clothing Size:  12 months!  I got her a bunch of 12 month jammies and realized how well they fit her so I took them all back to get her 18 month!  They are a little big, but at least she will be able to wear them for more than a month.

Eating:  Anything and everything.  She loves feeding herself/making a giant mess for me to clean up.  Some of her favorites are cheerios, scrambled eggs, and strawberries.

Sleeping:  Better than ever!  We have a pretty solid nap schedule now.  2 naps a day each roughly an hour and half.  She naps around 9:30 AM and then again around 2 PM.  Then bed time between 7 and 7:30 PM depending on when she woke up from her last nap.  I don't get her from bed until 7:30 AM...sometimes she wakes up earlier but she will play and just talk to herself until I get her.  On a lucky day she will sleep until 8!

Health:  Super healthy.  Feeling very blessed that she has had no health problems and has never even had a fever.

Speech:  "Mamamamamama".  She knows who dada is, but when she tries to actually say "dada" it comes out as "gaga".  She also likes to say "bob".

Personality:  Let's just say she doesn't hold back...even around strangers.  We got family pictures this month and for one we sat her next to her 6 month old cousin and the first thing she did was crawl over to him and try to pull his hair, and then she grabbed his head and tried to eat it.  Haha.  She is very curious and always looking for ways to escape her baby gate.  She has so much energy all the time!  When she is not moving, she is moving.  She likes making a game out of everything I say no to - like pulling my glasses off my face or reaching for outlets.  She makes everyone around her smile and is very social:  anytime we go out to the store she waves and smiles at all the strangers.

Baby Gear Love:  North States Industries Superyard Play Yard .  This definitely is handy for when I need to pump and can't chase her around.

Milestones:  Waving and high fives.

Likes:  Eating, when her dad swings her upside down, peek-a-boo, hide and seek, pulling herself up on everything, crawling around in the kitchen and bathroom.

Dislikes:  I really have no idea.  She is happy all the time and only really cries if she bumps her head or falls down pretty hard from standing.

Signature Move:  Whenever our bathroom door is open Gretchen will crawl in as fast as she can, pull herself up on the tub, and start turning the water on and off.

Mom's Proudest Moment:  Being able to watch her get stronger everyday.  She has perfected pulling herself up and has even turned me into her personal jungle gym.

Dad's Proudest Moment:  Being a bit more rough when he plays with her and swinging her upside down.  She loves it!

Things I Don't Want To Forget: 

Seeing her do things that remind me of pictures I have seen me doing as a baby.

Watching her sassy personality develop.

She can't walk yet, but she is in the process of learning and getting better everyday.

Watching her play independently.  She is so good at entertaining herself.

Baby butt crack.  Hehe.

She loves bath time!

Her silly faces crack me up.  

Pulling herself up on everything!

Sometimes she does things that make me think she is a little puppy...chewing on furniture, eating everything off the ground, and well, this...

Meeting Michelle's babies for the first time!

Turning on the baby monitor screen and seeing this.  Scary!

All of her facial expressions...

Oh you want to help me with laundry?  I can't wait until she can actually fold for me!

My little adrenaline junkie.

We workout together.

She loves food!

First bow.  This lasted all but 2 seconds before she pulled it out.

Her first Easter.

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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