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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

All Moved In To our NEW Home

Wow it has been a pretty crazy week for us.  Last Wednesday, our lender called and told us the paper work for our house processed waaaaay sooner than expected and that we could close on Friday.  So Thursday we signed a ton of paper work and Friday we got our keys.  Saturday was packing and moving and then it has been unpacking and buying furniture since then.  We had to buy a fridge, washer, dryer, and couch.  We were able to get awesome deals and are excited to get all settled even though it will be about 3 more weeks until we get a couch!  Until then, the furniture store was nice enough to loan us a love seat so we don't have to sit on the floor.

Last night was so much fun.  We finally got to unpack all of our wedding gifts!  It was like Christmas all over again.  So far I love love love living on our own!  We are working on making our house a really cozy place for our little one who will be here in just about 12 weeks!  It is so crazy how time has flown.  This is such an exciting time in our life!  I am just so happy.

Shout out to my hubby!  Today marks one year since we got engage.  I love you Davey!

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  26 Weeks Pregnant
Moving Day!

How far along: 27 weeks and 6 days (I am a little behind on my chalkboard pictures...27 week pic coming soon)
Gender:  Girl
Weight gain:  Last doctor visit was 20 pounds, but I will have an updated number on Friday.  Not looking forward to my doctor visits increasing to every other week...I definitely dread the weigh in.
Maternity clothes:  Exclusively.  Maternity pants are the best!  And not only has my belly grown, but so have my boobs (2 cup sizes!) so all of my old shirts are belly shirts.
Stretch marks:  Nope.  I think I might have one tiny one that is about half an inch long next to my belly button, but Dave thinks it is a birth mark.
Belly button in our out:  Inny for life!  I swear it is not going to pop belly button is freakishly deep.
Sleep:  Getting up to go to the bathroom at least once every night, but most of the time more.  Sleep isn't too terrible (especially since all of the moving and unpacking is wearing me out and making me extra tired) but I do wake up in the middle of the night a few times a week from my little ninja baby punching the mattress. 
Best moment of the week:  Moving into our new house!
Miss anything:  Hot tub!  My back has been killing me and I wish I could go soak in the hot tub.  I have to settle with a warm bath which is just okay.
Movement:  All the time.  About a week ago, I think she grew to that point where I am constantly feeling her (and seeing) every hour.  Only a few kicks that have hurt and surprised me though.  Also feeling lots of flutters high in my belly (I am guess it is her teeny tiny feet).  Oh and my little girl is obsessed with my left side.  She is always on the left of my belly and I look lopsided...she must be more cozy over there though.
Cravings:  See above.
Queasy or sick:  No!  I am so glad that part of my pregnancy is over.  I would take back pain and having to pee all the time over morning sickness anyday.
Looking forward to:  Starting the nursery!  We are going to paint this weekend.

Also thought I would add one of my favorite pictures from just over a week ago.  I hate gaining weight, but I love my big belly so much!  I am going to miss it when she is born.

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I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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