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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Natural Birth Plan

Pretty much everything I have read says that once you get to the hospital your birth plan goes out the window because nothing goes as expected.  Well, as an honorary boyscout, I am always prepared, so in the rare chance that things go as planned I have created one.  However, given all of the birth visualization I have been doing, things should go smoothly. :)
Being a newb to giving birth, this took some time and a lot of searching the internet for example plans so I knew what I should be requesting.  As you may know, I am going to try to have a natural birth because I believe that is what is best for my baby girl.  I have a ton of support from my husband and we have been practicing some coping techniques (although as D-Day approaches, I am nervous that my practicing isn't enough or will not help).

So here it is...
Natasha Perhson's Birth Plan
We would like to have a "natural birth" - avoiding all medication if possible (including, but not limited to, Pitocin, IV, epidural, etc.). If an event should arise where medication would be needed, we would like discussion of alternatives and consequences, and some private time for discussion.

Except in the case of an emergency, we ask that we be given the opportunity to accept or refuse any procedure or medication.

  • My husband David and mother Kelly are to be present at all times during labor and birth.
  • Other family member and friends may be present during labor.
  • I would like the absolute minimum time necessary attached to monitoring.
  • I would prefer not to have an IV. If an IV is deemed necessary, please use a heparin lockso that I can move around and walk as needed.
  • Please no Pitocin or breaking of water unless deemed medically necessary.
  • If labor slows down, or is proving to be very long, I would prefer to wait and see what happens naturally. I would like to try natural methods to speed up labor and avoid any intervention.
  • I would like no pain relief during labor or delivery. Please do not offer it to me unless I ask about it.
  • I would like freedom to move and walk during labor.
  • I ask that lights be kept dim, noise be kept to a minimum, and the door be kept closed for privacy - no excess staff please.

  • I would like to be in whatever position feels comfortable to me for birth including kneeling, standing, or squatting.
  • I would rather risk a tear than have an episiotomy. I would like to try perineal massage, support and warm compresses if needed.
  • I would like to avoid the use of forceps or any other tools to assist delivery at all costs. If delivery assistance is needed, please use suction instead of forceps.
  • I would like to receive my baby upon birth and place her directly on my chest unless medical intervention on baby is necessary. If I am unable to receive the baby, I would like to give my husband the opportunity.
  • I would like to wait for the cord to stop pulsating before clamped and cut.
  • I would like my husband to cut the cord.
  • I would like no Pitocin, uterine massage, or pulling of cord to help deliver the placenta.

  • I would like the baby to stay with me at all times.
  • Upon delivery, I would like my mother to leave the room allowing my husband and me to have time alone with our new baby.
  • I would like all visitors and unnecessary staff be turned away until my husband and I have had time alone with our new baby (at least 1 hour).
  • Please delay all routine exams for 1-2 hours to allow for bonding time. • I would like any tests done to the baby while placed on my chest
  • I would like to breastfeed my baby: no formula, bottles, pacifiers, or water please.

If Cesarean Is Required
  • In the event of a c-section, I would like my husband to be present at all times.
  • Please use double-layer sutures when repairing my uterus. If I have a second child, I hope to attempt a VBAC and understand this is a requirement for many doctors.
  • I would like to have immediate contact with the baby after delivery.
  • Please let the baby remain with mother until stitched up and ready to be moved to recovery.
  • If my baby needs to go to the special care unit, I wish to stay with her.
  • Upon delivery, if baby needs special care, I would like my husband and myself to remain with her at all times.

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I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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