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Sunday, April 20, 2014

33 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  33 Weeks Preganat

How far along:  33 weeks and 2 days.
Gender:  Sweet baby girl.
Weight Gain:  24 pounds.
Maternity Clothes:  You bet.  I don't have that many so I feel like I wear the same thing over and over and over again.  I would say about half of my shirts have stains on them by now.  Thinking I can make it to the end though without buying much more.
Stretch Marks:  Yes, I have more than just the one now, but it is weird because I have just a small patch of them in one spot on my lower right belly...I think baby girl is trying to claw her way out.
Belly button in our out:  Still an inny, but Dave says when I lay down you can see the bottom.
Sleep:  Waking up multiple times a night to go to the bathroom or put more support under my big belly.  Oh and it is like an Olympic event for me when I roll takes me some time and a lot if energy...
Best moment of the week:  My nesting day (also the worst because of the meltdown that happened prior).  I felt so accomplished.
Miss Anything:  Being able to walk more than five minutes without feeling like I just ran a marathon.
Movement:  Me? Not much anymore.  Baby?  Well she has mastered the art of doing handstands on my hip bones.  She also loves the game "let's see how hard I can head butt momma's pelvic bone."
Cravings:  Hot dogs with the works, blue slushies, and garlic parm chicken wings.
Queasy or sick:  Neither, but some of my other symptoms include shortness of breath and immobility.
Looking forward to:  Spending Easter with my family and finally winning the egg cracking competition.  This is my year...I feel it!

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I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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