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Monday, April 28, 2014

34 Weeks AKA Home Stretch!

How far along: 34 weeks 4 days.
Gender:  Girl
Weight Gain:  Apparently I gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks (I have a slight feeling there is some discrepancy in the scales at the doctor though) total weight gain is +29 pounds.
Maternity Clothes:  Let's just say I can't wait to say goodbye to maternity clothes.  There are barely any cute ones that look good.  I went shopping with my mom last weekend and had another meltdown...this time in the dressing room because I felt like a cow and shopping is so frustrating.  I don't want to go shopping again until this little girl is out of me and I have lost my baby weight.
Stretch Marks:  Yes, I have a few more showing up on the other side of my belly now...they are really low though and I'm getting used to them.
Belly button in our out:  I was taking a bath this week and Dave noticed that my belly button was almost out so he pushed around the edges and it popped out!  It didn't permanently stay that way, but I have officially seen the bottom!
Sleep:  I set a new record of 6 bathroom trips in one night.  What do you think?
Best moment of the week:  My prenatal visit.  Yes, the weigh in sucked, but I am so over gaining weight I don't care anymore...I will just have to lose it afterwards which I am okay with and ready for.  The doc said she is in the perfect birthing position (hopefully she won't move), she is the perfect size (if she makes it to 40 weeks she won't be more than 7.5 pound), she is beginning to drop (and is right on my bladder which explains all of the extra trips to the bathroom), and her heart beat is exactly where it should be.  Looks like we have an over achiever on our hands! 
Miss Anything:  My energy.  Going to work, going to school (I am taking a photography class 2 nights a week at the community college) and making dinner all in one day is just too much for me to handle right now.
Movement: Oh yes.  She pushes on my lungs now making it hard to breathe.  I just like to think she is packing up camp to make her appearance soon because she doesn't like the cramped quarters anymore.

I have also been feeling a pinching sensation which I am pretty sure is either my cervix starting to dialate or her head is pressing down.
Cravings: Well I ate too many hot dogs last week so not those anymore (I made us have them 3 nights in a row for dinner).   Now I am craving watermelon and I would love a chicken pot pie for dinner.
Symptoms:  Pregnancy brain.  Let's just say that I messed up majorly on my chalkboard this week...first writing words in the wrong order (I originally wrote Down Head...) and then almost taking the picture with the board saying 33 weeks.  I am seriously losing it.

Also, I am becoming more and more immobile by the day.  Dave loves that I am able to laugh at myself though - I have gotten to the stage where I can barely reach my feet and I sounded like Santa Claus running a marathon after pulling a sock off the other day.  My wonderful husband has agreed to help me with any feet related tasks for the duration of my pregnancy, although I have already learned he has a lot of trouble with non-standard shoes:  I wore these sandals to church yesterday and it took him like 5 minutes per shoe to put them on. I then proceeded to tell him while he was being so kind and helping me that it is going to be much harder dressing the baby so it is good he is getting practice. 

Another thing I laugh at myself about is the fact that the most comfortable position for me to sit in is the man position - legs wide open.  Thankfully someone invented the maxi dress so I didn't so I didn't feel too bad for sitting like that at church.  What can I say?  The stretching feels good and pregnancy gives me a free pass to having zero etiquette.
Looking forward to:  Baby shower on Sunday!

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I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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