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Monday, September 15, 2014

Weekend Recap

What an awesome weekend we had over here.  Saturday was my step sister, Stephanie's, baby shower.  My step mom did such an amazing job with the food and all of the decorations.  Tons of family and friends came to celebrate.  We are so excited that Stephanie and her husband are having a baby that is going to be so close in age to Gretchen.  Baby Dean is due to arrive in November and we know they are going to have so much fun playing and growing up together.

Sunday we went to the Mariner's game.  We had a rough start and were running late - which seems to be a reoccurring theme around here lately.  Funny how one tiny baby can turn an always early mommy into an always half hour to two hour late mommy.  I guess we need to start getting ready even earlier if we ever want to be anywhere on time.  On the car ride down to Seattle, Gretchen started crying.  I assumed she was just tired so I jumped in back with her, covered her car seat with a dark blanket to give her some more shade, and held her binky in her mouth to soothe her.  Well, 20 minutes later she was still crying. I'm talking inconsolable crying with crocodile tears running down her cheeks.  I had Dave pull over at a rest stop and wouldn't you know...BLOW. OUT. DIAPER.  She HATES being poopy!  We got her changed (she ruined her special Mariners game outfit), gave her some cuddles, and 5 minutes later she was fast asleep.

I think Gretchen might be teething already because I swear at all waking hours she has a fist in her mouth.

My aunt Kristy got us the tickets for the game and the seats were perfect!  The weather was gorgeous, and Gretchen even woke up for a few innings before passing out again when I put her in the K'Tan.

We didn't forget to stop at Guest Services for Gretchen's "First Mariners Game" certificate.

After the game we had to stop at Krispy Kreme where I enjoyed a pumpkin cheesecake doughnut and Gretty looked oh so adorable in her paper bus boy hat.

Also on the home front, we got an email from Dave's sister Emily today letting us know that she will be home from her mission in Brazil in exactly 3 short months.  We are so excited for her to be home.  She asked me to make sure Dave and I had bunch of dates lined up for her for when she gets back so let me know if you are interested.  :)

Hope you all had an enjoyable weekend too!

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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