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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ralph 1 Month Update

Weight:  11 pounds 3 ounces

Height: 23 inches

Clothing Size:  3 months

Eating:  Exclusively breastfed baby. I was SOOOOO worried because how hard things were with Gretchen. I was worried I wouldn't have a good supply among other things, but Ralph nurses like a champ! He is already over 2 pounds over his birth weight which is more than double the recommended weight gain! Things have been so easy this time and I actually enjoy nursing him!

Sleeping:  Again the EXACT opposite of G. Sleep is Ralph's middle name! I was telling Dave the other day I think he might be delayed in his first smile because his eyes are closed so much he probably doesn't know what a smile looks like haha. We went on a road trip to Utah last week and he slept the ENTIRE time in the car except when we stopped to feed him.  His awesome sleep has been a huge blessing because G is quite the demanding toddler.

He is a healthy growing boy!

Speech:  When Ralph is really hungry and I'm working on getting all set up to nurse him he will nuzzle himself into my chest and just snort a ton. It's super funny. The man loves his food!

Nicknames:  Ralphie, Mr. Squishy Face, Squishy Man

Personality:  This is hard to tell right now because sleeps so dang much! But when he is just a really relaxed chill baby. 



Baby Gear Love:  
The Miracle Blanket (best swaddle ever!!) and my Hatch Baby changing pad. Given my experience with Gretchen, and how she lost weight for about a month, this gives me such peace of mind! I love the app and I can track everything and I can see how much he is eating every single time I feed him.
Milestones:  Ummm...being born...?

Cuddles, eating, sleeping, and watching his crazy sister be crazy. 

Dislikes:  He HATES getting his diaper changed and when he wakes up hungry. Those are really the only times he cries.

Things I Don't Want To Forget:  

Taking him home from the hospital and we came home to our house that was decorated by our neighbors!

The uncanny resemblance between Ralph as newborn and Gretchen as a newborn.

Gretchen wanting to be a baby again...

And what Ralph thinks of Gretchen wanting to be a baby again...

How much Gretchen adores him and calls him "baby bro", "baby Ralphie", and "silly baby bro".

How squishy he is! 

Getting peed on for the first time during our newborn photo shoot.

He is such a chill baby and always sleeping. 


Chunky fingers and the beginning of some seriously cute baby rolls! 

Accidentally ripping off his cord stump because it got caught on my shirt...whoopsie.

His first bath!

First trip to Target.  Gretchen insisted on wearing her tutu and cried because she didn't like this cart.

 First 4th of July!

 His giant feet.

 Pooping face!

 David reenacting this moment...

He's a baseball!

 Less blowouts than I have fingers thankfully!

 First trip!  We went on a road trip to Utah.  He slept most of the time.
Nursing him at the waterpark in Lagoon.

 And some more cute photos!

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