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Monday, August 29, 2016

Ralph 2 Month Update

Weight:  Right around 13 lbs.

Height: 24"

Clothing Size:  3 months...but they are getting tight so mostly 6 months. :(

Eating:  Excellent! Soooo different from my experience with Gretchen!  I've never given him a bottle (even of breast milk) and I've already stashed up about 300 ounces of milk!

Sleeping:  He is such a great sleeper! He  usually takes 4 naps a day with one of them being really long and he sleeps around 8 hours at night straight! I don't remember the last 2am feeding we did. And the other night he slept 11 hours straight!! Hope that is the new norm!

Health:  Great! He didn't even get a fever after his shots.

Speech:  He is cooing a lot more these days and loves when you talk to him.

Nicknames:  Ralphie, Squishy Man, Mr. Squishy Face, Ralphosaurus Rex

Personality:  He is just the sweetest, most mellow, happy baby! He loves to smile and be held facing outward so he can observe everything going on.  He is soooo ticklish and started laughing around 7 weeks! He always laughs when you tickle his belly or feet or when you talk about him peeing on his daddy.  He doesn't cry much except when he is hungry! 

Baby Gear Love:  Hatch Baby smart changing pad!!! I am a numbers person and still paranoid with my nursing experience with Gretchen...I love that I can weigh him before and after each feeding and see how much he is eating!  I also love the app and how I can track everything because you know how forgetful you can be with 2 kids!  And the Angelcare Bathtub.  This gives him so much support in the tub and fits perfectly next to we just need to teach her not to splash him lol. 

Milestones:  Smiling, cooing, and laughing. 

Likes:  Being held facing outward.  Patty cake (he always smiles when you start singing it). His crazy sister...he started smiling at her when she talks to him and especially when she says, "good morning baby bro."

Dislikes:  Tummy time.  Not sure I have met many babies who like tummy time.  I keep reminding myself that once he can roll it won't be too bad. 

Things I Don't Want To Forget:  

Gretchen ALWAYS needs to be the one to comfort him if he is crying.  She will hug him and roll him on top of her belly and give him lots of kisses.  She also likes to pat his head.

His funny facial expressions!


OMG his hair!  It grows straight up no matter what I do.  I LOVE it!  I try to put lotion in it after the bath because his scalp is a little dry but it still goes straight up!

The joys of Snapchat filters!

 I LOVE to cuddle him!  And he always falls asleep in the wrap.


They are besties!

 Ralph's first wedding experience!

He's so handsome in his suit!

 Usually the face he makes at his crazy sissy...

 ...and THIS onesie!  Why, yes, I do like your muscles!

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