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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Baby Girl Update

First, I am officially HALFWAY!  Although I am not too nauseous anymore, I am starting to have really bad heartburn.  People say that means your baby is growing hair, they must be right because I am pretty sure that our baby is going to come out looking like a bear.  When I was born I had a full head of dark brown hair (Dave on the other hand was - and still is - bald...although there was a point in his life when he had some hair. LoL).

Pregnancy Chalkboard:  20 Weeks Pregnant

I also have been feeling the baby kick all the time.  After the Marshawn Lynch scored a touchdown in the Seahawks games last Sunday, I have been craving Skittles.  Well, my amazing husband picked me up a 2lb bag of Skittles at Wal Mart the next day (yes, I know a little overkill, but it was so sweet of him and he wanted to make sure I had enough).  So Monday night I was eating Skittles and baby girl was kicking like CRAZY!  So crazy I decided to watch my stomach and to my surprise I saw it move!  Of course I just kept eating Skittles until I felt so sick I physically could not eat anymore. Davey got to feel her move too.  It was amazing.

So to update everyone on our last post:  I got my test results back and they were negative - which is good!  It turns out that the chances of baby having down syndrome is 1:12,800 (and for my age group it is usually like 1:1,000) and the chances of Trisomy 18 are 1:150,000.  The doctor said with results like this it is most likely nothing but for peace of mind she could refer me to Maternal Fetal Medicine to do further testing.  I decided to do that just to make sure.  

On Tuesday, I went in for another ultrasound.  And the findings...NORMAL!  Everything looked as though it should and they did not even see the CPC or EIF.  The genetic counselor told us that it was possible the CPC could have already resolved itself and that EIF's don't usually resolve this quickly so it must have been the difference in machines or operators of the machines.  I definitely feel like the guy who did this ultrasound was way more experienced.  Not only was he not a student (the other lady who did the first was being supervised by her teacher), but it only took 20 minutes to do this ultrasound instead of over an hour like the last one.  He knew exactly what he was looking for and told us he has been doing this for many many years.  Side note:  I had him double check the gender just to make sure.  She is a girl!

The genetic counselor who was explaining our results asked if I wanted to do the amniocentesis and I said no.  She also asked if I wanted to do the Cell-Free DNA test which would tell us with 98% accuracy about certain chromosome disorders and I declined that as well.  Yes, it would be nice to know with that kind of certainty, but if I would have had my ultrasound one week later, nothing would have been found and I would have never even known about any of these "soft markers".  With the results of the quad screen and our last ultrasound, I am pretty confident our little one is perfect.  And in the end, no matter the results of any test, it would not change the fact that we are going to still have her and love her to death.  

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1 comment:

  1. So good to hear good news! Peace of mind is a precious thing.
    Btw I had TERRIBLE heartburn during my pregnancy, especially third trimester. Tums were my best friend.
    Hang in there!


About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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