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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Our Easter Weekend

We had such a great weekend jam packed with hard boiled eggs, plastic eggs, and most importantly chocolate eggs!  I am officially down 36 pounds from G's birth (woot woot) and still have some work to do to get back to my wedding weight (planning on being there by June), but Dave and I took a well deserved diet break on Easter so we could indulge in some chocolate.

The Easter bunny came and brought lots of goodies including some touch and feel books, clothes, and toys for G, and heaps of chocolate for Dave which I forced him to share with me (all but his 1 lb. Reeses Bunny).

After our 5 mile half marathon training run on Saturday we died some Easter eggs and just relaxed for the rest of the day.

On Sunday, we went to my brother's place in Seattle for our family's annual Egg Cracking Contest.  In my 24 years, I have never won.  In Dave's 3 years, he won once - his first time.  This was Gretchen's first year and she got out in the first round both times.  How it works is we make a bracket and each person gets a hard boiled egg.  Then we take turns going up against each other where one person holds their egg and the other person hits with their opponent's egg - only one egg will crack.  The egg that remains uncracked moves onto the next round.  We play twice and the winner of each round goes head to head where eventually one victor is crowned.  

Can you tell who skipped their afternoon nap and stayed up for 4 hours straight?

I spy a baby in a box.
Last's years champion passing the trophy to Kevin.
Although we did poorly this year, we always have next year to try again at winning the competition! Do you know what eggs have the strongest shells?  I think we might just get some of our own chickens because maybe their egg shells will be stronger and we will have a better shot at the next go around.

And just for fun here are some pictures of Gretty and her cousin Wilson!

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