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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Gretchen 3 Month Update

Those feet!  What a cutie.

My little girl is all business.  

...and wiped out from our photo shoot.  Time to nap.

Happy 3 months since birth and 1 year of life to my beautiful baby girl!  I love you more than anything in this world and am so proud to be your mother.

Weight: 11 pounds as of last week.

Height: About 23.5 inches.

Clothing Size:  0-3 months and size 1 diapers.

Eating:  Just breast milk.  She seriously snarfs down each meal like its her poor nipples.

Sleeping:  Night sleep is good - although it takes about an hour of going in and out of our room (she sleeps in there) to get her to sleep for good.  Once she is out though, she will sleep anywhere from 6-11 hours straight.  Most nights she is in bed by 8:00pm and wakes up for one feeding around 3:30am.  The first time she slept 11 hours I woke up before her and was scared - I immediately made Dave check to see if she was still breathing.  I felt like a million bucks that day because I almost got 8 solid hours of sleep.

Naps on the other hand are a battle! I spend an hour getting her to sleep and she will only sleep for 30-45 minutes...15 of which she needs to be held for. Sometimes she will randomly sleep for 2-3 hours but that is a rare occasion - a rare occasion that I love!  She always naps well in the Baby K'tan though, but I have to be moving at all times which makes it a little inconvenient.

Health:  Perfect as far as we know.  Although sometimes I second guess that because she has the raunchiest smelling gas ever. This especially sucks when I am feeding her and she continuously farts the entire time. I feel like shes trying to kill me. They smell like rotten egg meets cow pie in 110 degree heat.

Speech:  She has become soooo talkative this month...cooing and babbling all the time. Tons of smiles and she even started laughing/high pitched squealing. It is so precious it could make angels cry.

Nicknames: Same as last month.

Personality:  She loves to explore.  I am a little nervous for when she becomes mobile because she loves looking at things.  I can tell she wants to move so bad - whenever she does tummy time she makes crawling motions but is not yet strong enough to move herself.  One of her favorite things is when her dad holds her face out and walks her around the house so she can look around.  Whenever we go on walks, the stroller cover has to be up so she can see or she gets fussy.

She is also such a social butterfly! She loves looking at people and making tons of funny faces.  She hates to sit alone in the backseat while we are in the car and sometimes will cry until whoever is not driving goes back there to sit with her.

Baby Gear Love:  
Well she has officially lost her magical power of being able to sleep anywhere.  The myBaby SoundSpa has been a lifesaver.  We have weaned ourselves from the vacuum and were using an app on our phones forever until we finally go this sound machine.  It is awesome because it has a timer or you can leave it on indefinitely (which we do for her naps and nighttime sleep).  My favorite sound/the only sound I can tolerate for hours is the ocean so I am guessing that is her favorite too.

Milestones:  The giggle!  I will never forget the first time I heard it.  I had just finished feeding her and were were cuddling on the chair in the nursery.  I was making faces at her and kept sticking my tongue out and she got the hugest grin so I kept doing it and then she started laughing!  Dave was in the other room and came in because he heard.  It was he best moment of my month.  Ever since then we do everything we can to get her to laugh.

Likes:  Still obsessed with the bath.  She also likes her play gym, looking at lights and shadows, being carried around (especially in the Baby K'tan ), watching her mom work out and get ready, singing songs, chatting, the outdoors, when people stick their tongue out at her, and animal noises (particularly "moooooooo").

Dislikes:  Being burped, tummy time, being alone (which is weird because she likes to play independently, but only as long as she knows someone is in the room with her).

Signature Move: Sticking her entire fist in her mouth.

Mom's Proudest Moment:  Being the first one to make her laugh!


Dad's Proudest Moment: Swimming in the bathtub.  Dave gives her nightly baths and likes to take her out of her tiny baby tub into the great waters.  He will hold her head above the water while her body is completely submerged and she will kick her legs and move her arms like she is swimming.

Things I Don't Want To Forget: 
Her first time on a boat when we went whale watching.
She's there I promise. I am wearing her.

She doesn't poop everyday anymore which makes for giant blowouts 2-3 times a week.  She has had several "2 bath" days this month and her car seat also got a nice thorough cleaning.

Her "don't mess with me or I'll roundhouse kick you in the face" attitude (I wonder who she gets that from...)

She always tries to hold her bedtime dessert bottle of mommy's milk.  A little something extra we give her to make sure she gives us a good solid stretch of sleep.

She has figured out that she is the cutest girl in every room.

She is finally getting some chub.

All of her expressions and cute faces.

Upset that her binky fell out and was taunting her the whole drive home.

Her horseshoe bald spot is finally growing back.  It is getting thicker everyday!  In some lights it is blonde, some lights it is red, and some lights it is brown.  I am curious to see what color it will be.

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I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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