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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gretchen 1 Month Update

Gretchen is one month old today!  This has been the fastest month of my life. I can't believe she is growing up so fast.

...and end photo shoot.

Weight:  8 pounds 3 ounces

Height: 22 inches

Clothing Size:  Newborn

Eating:  Exclusively momma's milk.  The past three weeks have been a huge struggle nursing wise and we have been seeing a lactation consultant at least once a week.  Gretty had lost weight because I lost so much blood giving birth and my milk wasn't fully in.  After a lot of struggles - not to mention cracked/bruised/scabbed nipples -  we are finally back on track. More to come on our nursing struggles in a later post.

Sleeping:  She does not follow the sleep patterns of a typical newborn.  She will maybe take a few short cat naps during the day and sleeps really well at night.  It is hard for me being at home with her during the day because when she is not sleeping or eating, she cries a lot and I feel like all I do is try to soothe her.  It is literally impossible for me to get anything done and it is so stressful hearing her cry all the time.  I have noticed though that this is slowly but surely getting better.

Health:  Super healthy and super strong!  No vaccines yet.

Speech:  She makes some cooing noises sometimes (especially in her sleep).  She also likes to grunt when she is nursing which is probably her just trying to pass's really cute.

Nicknames:  Greta Lou, Gretty, The Beast, Lou Lou

Personality:  This is hard to tell right now because she cries so much.  I would have to say though that she is pretty sassy.  She likes to save all of her big poos for her dad...she even had a huge blow out diaper on him the other day.

Baby Gear Love:
My Little Snugabunny Rock n' Play Sleeper. It easily folds up and is perfect to take places.

I also love the Summer Infant Comfy Bath Sponge.  It stays warm and she doesn't slip around on it which is perfect because newborn babies, when wet, are slippery little buggers.

Milestones:  She can hold her head up for an insanely long time while we are holding her up by our shoulder.  She also has a strong grip and can suck on her hands - one time when I was nursing her, I was in the middle of switching sides and she latched on to her own made me laugh.

Likes:  She is obsessed with the bath tub.  She loves to sit in there and be pampered as we pour warm water over her.  She NEVER cries while in the tub!  Definitely a water baby.

The sponge started to slide down, yet Gretchen didn't care.

She also likes to suck on our pinkies, ride in the car, and get her diaper changed.  Lately she also likes to stare at the sheep on her swing. Oh and she love love loves the vacuum cleaner. It puts her to sleep every time.

Dislikes:  I just had to ask Dave this and he said exactly what I was thinking, "it is hard to tell because she is always so cranky."  We have come up with...when we take her out of the bath.  Haha.  She also hates when her diaper is dirty and she hates it when she has a big burp that she can't get out.

Things I Don't Want To Forget: 
Her first 4th of July!  Although neither of us got to watch fireworks because she was cluster feeding.

Her big blowout on daddy.

Her first bath in the sink.  She looooved it!

This look is called "Blue Steel".

Her Baby Blessing on July 6.

Great Grandpa.

I love to watch her stretch when she is sleeping...oh and this pose...

Me thinking everyone has a giant head after spending all day alone with her.  Every day when Dave comes home I think, "wow your head is giant!"

And a few more pictures...

Buddha belly.

I spy a froggy in the backseat. 

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About Me

I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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