Friday, March 25, 2016

29 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  29 weeks
Gender:  Boy. 
Weight Gain:  +27 lbs.
Maternity Clothes:  Maternity yoga pants and dresses...I am so done with jeans lol.  PLUS I am at home most of the time so no need for them!
Stretch Marks:  No new ones.
Sleep:  Getting worse, but still decent.  I am being kept up a lot by the baby rolling AND having to pee a million times a night.  Other than that, as long as I have my pillows, I'm good!
Best moment of the week:  Still in nesting mode.  I kind of wish nesting lasted all the time even when I wasn't pregnant.  I feel like I have been getting a lot done!
Miss Anything:  I do miss my old clothes and I miss being able to do a good cardio workout that gets me sweating.  Already getting anxious to lose this baby weight.  My goal is to be in the best shape of my life by December!  It's going to happen!
Movement:  He is pretty chill, but there are a few times a day he loves moving - those times being 8pm and then again when I try to go to sleep whatever time that may be.
Cravings:  Blueberries, watermelon, and a really good cake with really good frosting!
Aversions:  None.
Queasy or sick:  Just the usual heartburn.  Luckily I have learned from my first pregnancy that investing in the good meds and not just Tums is WORTH EVERY PENNY!  It also tends to happen mostly at night so I take a pull every day around 4 and I am pretty good for the most part.
Looking forward to:  Figuring out a name for this baby.  We still have nothing!  We would love suggestions!  We really like classic names that you don't hear anymore.

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