Wednesday, March 23, 2016

27 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  27 weeks
Gender:  Boy. 
Weight Gain:  +27 lbs.
Maternity Clothes:  It's all I wear now.  I have some great maternity joggers and leggings from Old Navy and I am so obsessed with this Gap shirt that I went back and ordered one in every color!  It is so comfy!
Stretch Marks:  Just the old ones.  
Sleep:  It is good as long as I have my 4 pillows:  one for my back, one for my knees, one for my head, and most importantly one to wedge under my belly.  The only hard part is getting out of bed to go to the bathroom...I kind of have to use my legs to get momentum lol.     
Best moment of the week:  Today!  It is my birthday and I have really been able to relax and even sleep in a bit!  It has been awesome.  
Miss Anything:  Not having all of this extra belly weight.  I forgot how taxing it gets just standing up from sitting down.  
Movement:  Oh yea!  I can tell he is super long already and has the same toes as me and his sister...long ones!  I know this because I can feel them move!!!
Cravings:  Snap peas with with bleu cheese dressing.  I also have been craving watermelon strawberry smoothies but watermelons aren't quite in season yet (boooo).  When they are I will probably be consuming at least one watermelon a day lol.  
Aversions:  Just cabbage.  I am convinced my house always smells like it even though everyone tells me it doesn't.  
Queasy or sick:  Nope.
Looking forward to:  Date night dinner with the hubby tonight for my birthday!  Yay!  I'm even preparing by taking my heartburn medication before dinner lol.  

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