Sunday, February 21, 2016

24 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  24 weeks and 2 days.
Gender:  Boy. 
Weight Gain:  +22 lbs. 
Maternity Clothes:  I just ordered some new ones online! Can't wait to get them in the mail. 
Stretch Marks:  Just the old ones.  
Sleep:  Okay. I get up probably twice a night for the bathroom but every time I stand up I get really bad back pain and a lot of pressure in my pelvis.   
Best moment of the week:  Shopping for new maternity clothes!!  
Miss Anything:  Not running out of breath from carrying a 30 lb. toddler up the stairs. 
Movement:  More and more every day. 
Cravings:  Tomatoes, red onion, and avocado...oh and pizza. 
Aversions:  The smell of any candle we own. I've thrown them all away because they make me sick.    
Queasy or sick:  Nope.
Looking forward to:  Figuring out a name...although it may take a while...

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