Tuesday, February 9, 2016

22 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  22 weeks 4 days.
Weight Gain:  Still +19 lbs.
Maternity Clothes:  Squeeeeeezing into my old clothes but it is getting uncomfortable.  Most of my maternity clothes are business casual because I worked right up to the day I went into labor with Gretchen so I really don't have much.  I think I need to just bite the bullet and get some new clothes.  
Stretch Marks:  Just the old ones.  
Sleep:  Really good!  I have been so much better about drinking all of my water during the day so I don't get too thirsty at night and I only have to get up once for the bathroom.     
Best moment of the week:  Finally feeling (pregnant) normal!  I have my energy back (with the exception of being sick right now...thanks Gretty!) 
Miss Anything:  Not having back pain.  I have been having super bad sciatic nerve pain...BUT I would take that over morning sickness any day.  
Movement:  Oh yea!  He is pretty calm during the day and usually gets his groove on right abound 8pm for half an hour or so.  Dave can feel him moving now too which is fun.    
Cravings:  Still pizza!  Luckily I have a clean version of pizza that I make so it is guilt free when I eat one every day for lunch!
Aversions:  Not too bad actually.  I can eat eggs again as long as it is with something like a black bean burger.  Too afraid to eat them on their own.    
Queasy or sick:  Nope.
Looking forward to:  Nesting to kick in!  The house is a mess and I have big plans to purge everything before he gets here.  That can wait a few more months though. ;) 

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