Friday, January 22, 2016

20 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  20 weeks 1 day.
Gender:  It's a BOY! I knew it too.  I told the ultrasound tech before he started that we wanted to know but it didn't really matter because I was 100% sure it was a boy.  Lol.  Dave was hoping for a girl just to prove me wrong.  Haha.  
Weight Gain:  Still +19 lbs.  Hasn't changed for a couple weeks now.  
Maternity Clothes:  Why wear maternity clothes when I have David's shirts at my disposal and yoga pants?   I've been too lazy to get all of my maternity clothes out so I have just been grabbing things as I need them.  A few more weeks though and I'm not sure I will be able to wear any of my normal clothes anymore.   
Stretch Marks:  Not any new ones.  I have been super itchy though.  
Sleep:  Awful!  The last couple of nights I have woken up around 3  AM and not been able to fall back to sleep.  AND I am peeing a ton in the middle of the night.  I didn't have to get up much during my first trimester though so I guess it is evening out.  With Gretchen, I had to pee all the time my first trimester and I rarely had to get up in the middle of the night during the second.   
Best moment of the week:  Finding out the baby gender.  David is so excited to have a son to play baseball with and to take hunting and fishing.  And I am excited because I hear baby boys LOVE their mommys!    
Miss Anything:  Not having a super sensitive gag reflex every time I smell something gross and not gagging when I brush my teeth.  
Movement:  More and more everyday!  I feel it most when I am eating.  
Cravings:  Salty foods.  This week it is pizza.  
Aversions:  Nothing too bad anymore.  I am still afraid to eat eggs though just in case.  
Queasy or sick:  Nope.
Looking forward to:  Figuring out what I am going to do with the nursery!  Any ideas?  

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