Friday, January 15, 2016

19 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  19 weeks 1 day
Gender:  We find out on the 21st!  I am so excited.  STILL convinced it is a boy.  I just know it!  I need to really get serious about finding a boy name!
Weight Gain:  +19 pounds.  Not exactly happy about this.  HOWEVER, I have been so much healthier this time.  Since my morning sickness subsided I started walking 3ish miles every day and I have been eating super healthy with the exception of Christmas break time.  That being said,  I am not too worried about my weight gain.  I am going to trust that my body knows what it is doing and knows what it need. This happened last time too...I gained almost ALL of my weight in the first 18 or so weeks and then didn't gain any more weight until 32 weeks so maybe I just gain all of my weight in the beginning.  
Maternity Clothes:  Slowly getting them out but mainly living in yoga pants and David's tee shirts.  Most of them are too big now too!  I need to invest in some new maternity clothes...just a few staple things though because I don't really mind wearing yoga pants every day lol.  
Stretch Marks:  No new ones yet.  I have been using BiOil daily mainly for the itching.  It's weird, with Gretchen I NEVER got itchy...this one, my belly itches all the time AND my nipples have been super itchy which is weird/embarrassing lol.  
Sleep:  Getting up usually 3 times a night to go to the bathroom AND I have been having CRAZY dreams.  That is the one thing about pregnancy I will never get.  Last time it was a reoccurring dream that I was breastfeeding a rat, this time it is a dream I am getting attacked by my in law's cats...and they don't even have cats lol.   
Best moment of the week:  I am starting to feel more and more movement.  Usually at night or while I am eating.  Hopefully this baby likes food as much as Gretchen and won't be picky either.  So far we are off to a good start.  :)
Miss Anything:  Pregnancy  The SUN...yes.  
Movement:  No kicks or anything.  Just lots of fluttering and the occasional roll.  
Cravings:  STEAK!!!!  Like crazy!  And egg salad sandwiches. And grapefruit.  
Aversions:  Eggs any way that isn't hard boiled and tortilla shells.
Queasy or sick:  NO!!! I got over being sick around 17 weeks and then right after that I got a nasty cold that is FINALLY starting to go away.  I am still blowing my nose (and Gretty's nose) several times a day.  I am so ready for it to be over!
Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender!  Yay!!!

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