Thursday, March 31, 2016

21 Months? When Did That Happen?

So I have a bunch of half written blogs from months ago and I keep kicking myself because the reason I keep this blog is for my kids and for me, so I can remember.  Anyways, I decided to heck with it...I am so overwhelmed with the thought of catch up that I am starting fresh today.  I am going to make a point to blog for 10-15 minutes every day during nap time and sharing what is current, and when I have any free time I will go back and post the half written blogs lol (one of them is from Gretchen's 1st birthday ALMOST a year ago!)

Okay, so Gretchen is 21 months old and I am 29 weeks pregnant!  She is at the cutest age and is growing right before my eyes.  She says so many words (her favorite is bless you - or "bess shoe" - after anyone sneezes) and her new thing is playing pretend.  She LOVES to hold and kiss her baby, sing songs to her, play patty cake, tell her to sit down (my fault - I am always telling her to do that because she is always standing on top of the table).  She is also such a climber.  Her favorite spot is on the window seal right above the couch where she can look out the window and point at the birds and go "bird...quack quack quack".

Her hair is officially long enough for pigtails and pony tails!  We went to Target today and got some clips for the little fly aways.  She can tolerate me doing her hair as long as we are in the bathroom and she is standing on her stool brushing her teeth (or trying to suck her toothpaste out of the tube).  Oh and she loves Target!  Everytime we go she is so friendly and says hi to EVERYONE we pass!

Our little girl has so much personality!  She is also in a mommy stage (which I LOVE) and needs me to cuddle her before naps and only wants me to read her books and sing her songs.  Even if I take a break between songs she will immediately go "songs? songs?".  Every day I like to push the envelope a little and climb in her crib after she wakes up from her nap just to get in some extra snuggles.  I am getting too big for that now though :(  Probably going to break the crib if I keep doing it lol.    As long as the lights are off and she has just woken up she will lay down in my arm cubby and smile at me and point to my eyes, ears, mouth, hair, etc.  Although her favorite is pinching my cheeks and trying to get her little hand in my mouth to grab my tongue.

Now that she is getting older, she is starting to look more like me. :)

I am so in love with my little family and I am so excited to have another baby boy, although it is hard to imagine my heart exploding with love yet again...not sure I will be able to handle it :)


Our trip to Boise for cousin Cash's birthday!

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