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Friday, April 11, 2014

Preparing For A Weekend Of Crafting

Today I was surprised at work with a baby shower at lunch.  I was so shocked and I turned red and started crying (hormones).  What is even more shocking is that in the 109 years the company I work at has been around- I am the first woman to have a baby while working there!  I am making history.  I had so much fun though. We had really good Mexican food - and I was a huge fan of the jalapeno poppers.  Then we played a few games and I opened presents.  It was so sweet of everyone to do that for me.  Baby and I felt loved.


On another note, I have big plans for the weekend.  Now that we have all of the nursery furniture in place (minus the glider) it is time to get my craft on.  I just got my peach chiffon curtain fabric I ordered in the mail which is perfect, but am waiting for my mom to help me with the curtains because, let's just say, they are a bit out of my league when it comes to sewing and I don't want to mess them up.

I have decided that Saturday is going to be my nursery shopping day.  I am planning on driving all the way to Renton to hit up Ikea and then stopping at a couple other places on the way home (Anthropologie, JoAnn's, Home Goods, Thrift Stores...etc.).  I have been searching the web for days and am hoping I will be able to get most of what I need tomorrow.  Here is what is on the list:
  • Baskets for changing table.
  • Fabric for my little sewing projects (a basket, changing pad cover, and maybe a few other things in case I don't already have enough to do...ha!)
  • Tissue paper for pom poms and the cute mobile seen below that I am definitely going to make.
  • Cardboard letters that spell out baby girl's name or just the first initial (see below.)
  • Mirror for above dresser.
  • Picture frames for a gallery wall (If I can't find cheap ones at Ikea then I will have to go to goodwill and get a can of spray paint.)
  • Floating shelves.
  • Drawer dividers to keep her little onesies and socks organized.
  • Some baskets (wicker or canvas - not sure yet) for blanket/toy storage and laundry.
  • A night stand - still searching Craigslist daily but keeping my eyes peeled in case I see one for a good price.
  • A cute throw pillow for the recliner.
  • A lamp.  Still not sure if I want a table lamp to put on her dresser or a floor lamp for behind the glider.  We shall see. 
  • Small vases (as seen in a picture in my previous blog post).
  • A Cinnabon...or two...since I am now obviously eating for two I don't think any strangers will judge :)
I will probably be wiped out after my long day of shopping, so I will be taking the rest of the weekend off to relax.  Dave's uncle and grandma are coming to visit so we will be spending time with them and even having a BBQ tomorrow night.  The baby requested that we have hot dogs cooked over the fire (so they are almost black), french fries, and watermelon...those are my latest cravings - I have been salivating over tomorrow night's dinner all week.

As promised, here are some of my crafting plans.

Tassel Mobile

Fabric Baskets

Faux Zinc Letters

Nursery Prints
I love these prints - but they are pricey.  I plan on making my own...some like these and a maybe few others.  Updates on that later.

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I'm Natasha! Wife to David, and mother to Gretchen. Follow my journey as a wife, mama, and fitness & nutrition fanatic.

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