Sunday, September 27, 2015

Apple Picking Adventures

We had such a fun weekend!  Now that Gretchen is walking it makes going places so much easier!  On Saturday we went Apple Picking at Bellewood Farm in Bellingham.   It was so beautiful and so many apples!  We even had some BBQ ribs for lunch with apple cider slushies.  #newfamilytradition

Gretchen had a blast running around in the wet grass, gnawing on apples in the orchard, and sticking her hands in the mud!  Good thing we brought lots of wipes and an extra pair of clothes for the ride home!

First, we took a tractor ride out to the orchard!!  Baby G loved the wind in her face!

This is how she prefers to be held for family pictures!  Lol. 

I have said this many times before, but Gretchen LOVES to share!!  She especially loves feeding us, or in this case shoving an apple in my face.  

Someone is a little upset that we took her apple away to take this picture...

David and I have a different idea of how high we should throw G in the air...I only had a slight heart attack taking these pictures.  


One of my favorite things Gretty has started doing is leaning in for lots and lots of kisses!  AND she doesn't do open mouth kisses anymore lol.  She is so sweet!



  1. She is so sweet, sharing and giving kisses! It looks like you guys had fun. And I'm slightly jealous that you guys get to wear fall clothes. We're still in the upper 80's here.

    1. Thank you so much! Before you say that, know that it is a rare thing to get a fall day without rain :) Lol.
