Friday, April 15, 2016

31 Week Bumpdate

Pregnancy:  Number 2. 
How far along:  31 weeks
Gender:  Baby BOY!
Weight Gain:  +30 Pounds
Maternity Clothes:  Yep!  Sticking with dresses and yoga pants.  The weather has been super HOT around here (well hot for WA) so I need to get some shorts!  
Stretch Marks:  Not any new ones.  My belly seems WAY smaller this time around.  
Sleep:  So Gretchen spent the night with her grandparents last night which meant I didn't have the monitor or her sound machine one...funny thing...I couldn't sleep!  So at 2am I went and turned on her sound machine so I could hear it and slept like a baby the rest of the night.
Best moment of the week:  All week!  It has been super sunny and we have gotten outside a lot.  I also picked up some super cute boy onesies at Fred Meyer for 50% off!  #winning
Miss Anything:  Not feeling like a trainwreck at the end of the day.  By the time Gretchen goes to bed, it takes serious effort to get up off the couch.  I am just so exhausted and my body feels weak!  Must be from how active I have been during the days since I get in a workout or walk and spend a lot of time carrying a 30 pounder around!
Movement:  Yep!  And painful kicks too.  Last time the painful kicks didn't start until 36 weeks or so.  I get the feeling I am going to have a looooong 3rd trimester ahead of me. 
Cravings:  Fresh salads and watermelon.  I seriously can't wait until watermelon season arrives!  
Aversions:  None.
Queasy or sick:  Just when I go too long between meals. 
Looking forward to:  Again, getting everything organized.  Full nesting mode has kicked in...the only problem is I don't have a lot of time!  

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